Chapter 16

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Jordan's POV :

"I wasn't suppose to hear that was I?" se asked shocked and calmly.

"Umm." I rubbed the back of my neck. I don't know what to tell her, like if she shouldn't have, or that it is true.

I watched her watching me closely. I know what's she's waiting for. the answer. I rubbed my neck again. I know that had to give her a hint at least. but all she did was just aside an eyebrow at me. I smiled, and walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist. Then placed my head on top of hers. I breathed out, slowly.

"I wish you didn't hear it. but I can't keep that secret from you." I locked my lips, and waited for her response.

"I know you said it before, but I knew it was as a good friend. and yes I know how you really feel about me, but I just can't imagine you loving me."

I pulled her back, and lifted her chin up with a finger. I made her look at me In the eyes.

"I don't regret loving you." was all I could say before I place my lips on hers. so sweet, and delicate. makes you want more.

I poke my tongue on her bottom lip asking for entrance. she gladly accepted like normal. for a sec seconds we fought, but she gave up. I smiled on her lips.

"Now. where were we?" I questioned when I pulled back for air. she smirked and pulled me to the bed.

She laid down, and pulled me with her. I started to kiss her again. not even ten second, a knock on my bedroom door was heard.

My eyes flew open, and so didn't hers. I whispered in her ear to go in the closet. and she did without hesitation.

"Hang on mom.. I uhh. I'm changing!"

"Hurry up Jordan! were going out as a family for dinner. I invited Lilly." she sounded so happy, but I wasn't. my mood completely changed. I hope Jade didn't hear because she would be mad at me.

"I'm coming!" I went to the closet door, and lightly tapped.

"Come out." I whispered. she did. I gave her a quick kiss before telling her I'll be back in an hour, stay.

She smiled, and walked over to my bed, and sat down. I ran out my door, shutting it on the way out. my parents can't know she's here.

"Ready kiddo?" my dad asked.


Me and my parents walked out to the car, and got in. if you wondering why I didn't say a sister, or brother, is because I'm the only child. we started driving down the road, and I noticed I left my phone. I cursed under my breath.

We pulled up to Olive Garden. one of my favorite places. I already saw Lilly's car. they must be inside.

Once we entered, my dad told them we were with a group. that's the moment of truth I wish we weren't.

"Hey guys!" I heard Rachel's annoying voice say. if your wondering who that is, it's Lilly's mom.

I took my seat beside Lilly and waited for this long night to be over.

Jades POV :

I heard the door downstairs shut, and I breathed out. I wonder how long I'll be here until Jordan comes back.

I heard a beep, so I took out my phone to see if it was mine. it wasn't. then I looked to the right of me, and saw Jordan's phone laying on his bed. it must have fell out of his pocket earlier right before Lilly came barging in.

I picked it up, and unlocked his phone. maybe he asked to borrow his moms, and text it to let me know he left it.

But once I was it wasn't from his mom, but Lilly, curiosity got the best of me. I went to is messages, and saw the one she sent.

Hey see you tonight, I want this to be over with quick...

I was sorta glad that it wasn't a I love you, message. or a can't wait to see you. but that means when his parents said about ten going out, that included Lilly's family.. great. is parents, nor hers know that they broke up. well not so sure about hers, but I know Jordan's doesn't.

All this thinking led me back to hunter. about earlier and his heart monitor going crazy. did he die? I hope not. my eyes started to water again at the thought about him leaving this world, leaving me.

Wait, why am I thinking this when I'm now dating Jordan? is this even right if me to do?

I shook the thought out of my mind, and decided to look through further messages of them two.

Hey.. I'm sitting the the hospital room with hunter. He's bad.

That sucks. :/

Yeah. he looks miserable. so many machines connected to him, and bandages.

Aw :(

Hey can we talk for a second?


Okay this is gonna be hard.. but I think we need to take a break. Jade really needs me right now, she's hurting, and lost hunter. she keeps blaming herself for it, but it's not true. I just really need to be with her. I'm sorry Lilly.

It's okay, as long as y'all don't do any funny business ;)

Then it stopped. the next message was what Lilly sent a few minutes ago. so he was right about wanting to help me through this.. I think what she meant by no funny business was kissing, ect. That's why when she saw us she ran out.. gosh I feel soo bad for her!

But like Jordan said, he didn't feel anything when he kissed her like he did me. and he said how he loves me. yes he may loves her, but I think I'm different for him. in many ways. I was in his life first, he had a crush on me first, he visited me in the hospital, he got in a fight with hunter cause of who knows what..

Gosh. my life is totally turned around since the beginning.. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't take the bus and first meet hunter. I mean gosh, I still remember him taking my purse and almost dropping it in the muddy water. man, that seems so far ago..

I regain focus when a knock at the bedroom door was heard.

OMG cliffhanger!!! who could it be ;) hunters in the hospital, Jordan and Lilly are at the restaurant... hehe find out in the next chapter!!!
But I just wanna say a huge thanks for those who have kept reading up until this point. y'all are the best. I started reading the first few chapters I've made in 'All You Ever' and I can tell I've come a long way. my writing has gotten better, and I take more time with my chapters. the only thing that hasn't changed was the no editing part. but I told myself after I finish these books I'll go back and edit all of the chapters. it's just right now I barely have any time.
Thanks guys!! :D

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