Chapter 20

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"Hey." I heard his familiar voice say. Jordan said that he'd wait out in the hall, and just let me and hunter have some time alone. I thought it was pretty nice of him to do that cause of everything that's happened.

"How you feeling?" Great. that's the best thing I could come up with?

"Crap. and I bet I look like it too." he let out that shot chuckle. I've missed it so much.

"Well. on the bright side, you awake, and that's all that matters. I don't know what I could have done if I lost you."

"Yeah me neither. well, I wouldn't be loosing you. Id just be looking down on you, sad. I wouldn't be able to hold you in my arms anymore, or kiss you. I would t be able to hear your soft, sweet voice, or comfort you. I wouldn't be able to help you through tough times, or tell you right and wrong. and Id have to watch as you and Jordan's faces are stuck together."



I just can't believe what he said. I can't believe he does r hate me for dating his best friend. but his best friend doesn't know I don't wanna be with him now since hunters awake. why does my life always go like this. well this is a love triangle to me. kinda like katniss, peeta, and gale, from the hunger games.

"You want me to break up with Jordan don't you?"

He didn't hesitate about his answer.


"Why tho? Like I know your gonna make it and come out better than you once were.. but what if something goes wrong and.."

"Jade. don't worry about me. I'm gonna make it. as long as this heart monitor is steady, and still beeping at its normal pace, I'll be okay. just believe that I am jade. I'll be okay, you'll be okay, and when I get out of here, everything will be okay."

There was a small knock on the door. Jordan probably wants to visit now.

"I'll see you later hunter. bye." at that, I turned around and walked to the door. hunter said one more thing, before I left.

"If you believe, and always stay strong, then I'll be okay. Before, without your presence, and your love, I may not have been here like this, but this is life. I'm not gonna take it for granted because when my time comes it will come. but I know it's not right now."

I didn't say anything to him, or even turn around. I just simply opened the door, and walked to the chair outside and sat. I waited to hear the door shut, and let Jordan have his time with him. I took out my phone, and went to my pictures. the first thing I clicked on my me&hunter a photo album. I had over 200 photos of us from different things, and events, his concerts, and his house. I started from the top. the first photo was a picture of me in the field. he sent this to me later that night. I know it's not of us, but it still gives me a warm and comfort feeling. the time hunter made me believe in him, and when I gave him a second chance. that day wasn't or couldn't have been more perfect.

The next picture was of us in school. well his room he suppose that he bought for 50 dollars. we were sitting on his couch, and I was making weird faces. I was sticking out my bottom lip, and crossed my eyes. while hunter just sat there with a amused smile on his face.

I didn't realize I was crying until it his my screen on my phone. I guess you could say so many memories were shared with that dude. I mean gosh, he was the one who made me truth dating again.

I locked my phone, and stuffed it back into my pocket. just as I did that, Jordan walked out of the room shutting the door.

He walked right passed me, not saying a word. I stood up to follow him.

"Jordan. what's wrong?"

He ignored me.

"Jordan please. what's wrong? Is it hunter?"

Still nothing. We made it back up front, but he still wasn't talking to me. He walked straight out the sliding glass doors and into the parking lot.

"Jordan!" I screamed.

He stopped dead in his tracks, and clinched his fist. he slowly turned around and look at me. Anger was flaring all throughout his eyes. He walked to me, in two giant steps.

"You want to know what's wrong? You! You think you can just go around saying any guy you want and break his heart? Well you did! I don't want nothing to do with you Jade Sims! Hunters all yours, and will always be yours. Just remember next time something happens to that boy, don't come crying to me. or if he does die, don't come crying to me saying your sorry and want me back. and then say how you love me and always have. I won't by it! I can't believe I was dumb enough to fall in that trap like before! You don't really care about me. oh yeah, where were you planning on telling me that you are breaking up with me!! Or was I suppose to figure that out myself? But what ever it is, just stay out of my life for now on. I won't get involved with you or hunter!"

I was taken aback at his sudden outburst. we even had a few stares from strangers outside. I just smiled at them letting them know everything is ok. but when I turned my head back to Jordan, I didn't expect what was about to happen. I don't think he did either, but it did.

All the memories about why I hated guys in the first place. why I wouldn't trust them enough to date them. or why I didn't want my life involved with them.. pain shot up and through my right cheek. he actually hit me.

I felt myself slowly falling onto the ground. I put my left arm out to catch my fall, but it didn't help. I still fell down onto my side. I screamed in pain once my head made contact with the rough ground. my vision started to blur in and out a couple times before I heard screaming. I shook my head, and I was able to see again.

Some guy was yelling at Jordan about what he just had done. that he slapped me.

I rolled onto my hack, and stared up at the greyish blue sky.

"Everything is gonna be okay." I heard the guy who was once yelling at Jordan say.

My eyes shut.


I woke up in the hospital room, with people staring at me.

"How long have I been here?" Where the first words I said. but it was hard to understand cause my voice was raspy. lack of water was right now. I really need some though.

"Just about 2 hours. you hit your head pretty hard." One doctor said.

"Yeah. we tested to see if you had any sort of concussion, but you dont. your pretty lucky thought. just keep the small bump iced and it should go away." A nurse said that time.

I thanked them, and asked if I could be alone. They left the room, and now I'm lost into my own thoughts.

Guys are so not worth it. guys are so freaking stupid. I hate them..

So sorry for the long wait!!! I've been really not in the mood for anything, or writing. also I've been reading a really really good book called celeb status by writerbug44 .. it's a really good book and I recommend you go check it out!! But I tried to make this chapter sorta long since its been forever. also sorry about any grammar mistakes!!

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