Chapter 19

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I laid in bed and just thought about today. I still just can't believe hunter woke up. I'm happy about it though, but just a little shock.

And I also didn't think he'd take the me and Jordan dating thing, like that.

Right now I feel so horrible. both emotional, and physical. I feel bad about this happing to him, and waking up to that news. also cause my stomach is all twisted in knots.

Why did this happen to me? Why did I ever give him that stupid chance.
I never was interested in guys before. hunter came in and changed everything. just a few months, I get kissed- no I kiss the schools quarter back. hunter and I started dating not Long after that. then now me and Jordan.

Since hunters awake, I really want to get back with him. but I can't break Jordan's heart, like I did hunters. Jordan could end up like hunter.

I really need to sleep. my brain has gone on overdrive. I keep repeating myself.

At that, I fell into a long sleep.


I woke up with a knock on my bed room door. ugh! Who come here and dares to wake me up at 5 in the morning.

"Come in." I was manage to mumble.

I still had my eyes closed, but I heard the door open, then shut. Footsteps shuffled over to where I was laying at. my bed.

"Morning beautiful. how'd you sleep?" My eyes snap open when I heard the voice.

"It can't be."

He coughed, and make a soft chuckle.

"But I am." his voice was hoarse, and still soft.

"Hunter. why are you here?" That's when I noticed he was sitting in a wheelchair. the guy who pushed him in here just left. that explains why my door open and shut again. but really? This can't be true. I'm still sleeping. hunter isn't here.

"Your not here hunter. im just dreaming. in a few hours I'll wake up and go do something. maybe school cause I've skipped so much."

"Baby girl... Jadealina.."

"Jade.. Jadealina? How do you- you know that name?" My breathing quickened, and I watched has hunter stood up slowly, and came to the side of my bed.

"I just do baby."

He touched his fingers onto my cheeks. I laid my head slightly onto his hand. I missed his touch. I missed him in general.

I opened my ees to see hunter back in his wheelchair with the casts again.

"You did this to me! I can't ever forgive you jade! I could have died and YOU wouldn't even have cared! Gosh I hate you jade! I wish I never met you, or dated you! Stay with that idiot Jordan.. I don't care anymore.. I'm done."

I saw him pull up a knife. "goodbye jade." my heart sunk. before I said anything, he shot the knife into his stomach.

I watched as blood filled his hospital dress. He screamed. Then his last words were, "ill always love you. I didn't mean I hate you ja-"

His chest quit moving, and his eyes where fully closed, and his mouth slightly parted.

I flipped onto my stomach and cried. "this can't happen! Hunter can't die! It's MY fault!"

I kept whispering, it's my fault, it's my fault, until I calmed down.

I flipped back over, and nothing was there. nothing. not hunter, the wheelchair, or the blood. I rubbed my eyes to see the time on my phone. 9:30.

I had one text.

Hey I'm going to see hunter today. just paying him a visit. wanna come?

I thought in my mind over about this. it was just a dream? A bad dream? Hunter still alive?

Yes Jordan. pick me up in 30?

Sure thing! <3

I laughed. I placed my phone back onto my night stand, and quickly changed. I got dressed into a cute dress.

It was a off white color for the top, and changed into a blue right above my waist. the dress was pretty raised up, but still covered.

I absolutely love this dress, but only wear it everyone in a while. I'm surprised it still fits. hunter hasn't seen me in it either, so I hope he likes it.

I heard the familiar honk outside. I grabbed my phone, checked myself in the mirror once more time, then left.

I locked the door behind me, and walked to his car.

"Hey baby." he said as soon as I got in. he automatically tried to go for a kiss, but I turned right before, acting like I didn't noticed. what I did look at was my seatbelt strap to buckle me in. yes!

"I can't wait to see Hunter again. I hope he's better."

"Yeah." I let out a sigh, remembering my dream from last night. i shook my head, and got ride of that thought.

Jordan out a cd into the radio, and it started playing. lets just say, it was weird. does anyone even listen to this?

"So um Jade?" He started.


I heard him breathed out.

"What is it Jordan?"

"Well I was thinking last night.. After I dropped you off.. I know you don't really like me. your just dating me cause of hunter. I know that's true jade. and you can't lie."

I was shocked at what he said really. I didn't expect him to say something like that to me. Am I just dating him to get over hunter?

"Jordan.. your cute, funny, nice, and a great person. I may have at first, but I'm dating you now. there's nothing that would ever change my mind. but if you want to brea-" and of course that blondy interrupted me.

"I don't want to break up. just thought, well knew, that you only are dating me because hunters in the hospital. but no, I don't want to break up jade."

"Then why did you say what you said?" My voice was a little raised at him. but seriously, he shouldn't say things like that because it'll make me think he does want to break up with me. and that's not what I want. yes hunter is awake, and yes he knows, and is upset, but Jordan actually makes me happy too. I'll always love hunter, but I like Jordan now. maybe in the future after I've dated some guys, and he's had other girlfriends, if we still like each other, well have another go. ugh who am I kidding... hunter won't date any other girl besides me.

"Jade?" Jordan's voice broke me from my deep thoughts. "Where you listening?"

"Uhh.. no, I'm sorry. I was just thinking.."

"Oh. well I said, one where here. and two, you ready to go?"

"Oh umm.. sure.."

I stepped out of the car, and same didn't Jordan. we walked to the double doors of the hospital that hunter was laying in right now. i pulled at the ends of my dress, I hope he's okay.

Hello guys. I totally forgot I didn't finish this chapter. I'm sorry!! It would have been up sooner, but I got carried away into other things. but here's a long update. I know there's a lot of spelling/grammar errors. sorry about that!! But FIRST CHAPTER OF 2015!!!
Ily guys soo much !! :D

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