Chapter 18

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I woke up sitting in a chair. of course it had to be a white room. or maybe my eyes just wasn't fully adjusted yet. I blinked a couple times, and I saw I was in the hospital room. I tried to bring my arms in front of me, but they just had to be tied. I looked down to see my feet also tied to the chair.

Why am I here? That.... thing.. whoever it was, kidnapped me and brought me to a hospital room? Is this a joke?

Well at least I'm not getting killed. maybe.

I heard a door open, and I looked over to it. since I was facing towards the wall it was actually hard to. I caught the glimpse of who it was.

Can you guess? Yes, my kidnapper.

"What do you want?" I spit out at him.

"Shhh." he said in a whispered tone.

"Tell me. then I will. why did you kidnap me? And why am I in a hospital room?"

He walked over to the back of the chair, and untied my hands, then my feet. he grabbed my arm, stood me up, then turned me around.

My mouth dropped, and I closed me eyes. this isn't real. I'm in a dream. everything is fake.

I tried pinching myself, but It didn't work.

I was really standing in hunters hospital room, while he was looking at me. I breathed in, and took a step forward. The guy let go of my arm.

"Hunter? Your.. Your actually awake." I said in a low shaky voice.

I melt down next to his bed, so we could see each other eye to eye.

"Yeah. I woke up about 5 hours ago, maybe."

His voice was real weak, and dry. but I'm just glad he alive and okay. I don't know how life would have been without him.

I had a tear roll down y face. I was so happy to hear his voice again.

"I thought you weren't gonna make it. your heart monitor went crazy the other day."

"Well I'm here. I wouldn't nor couldn't leave you."

When he said he couldn't or wouldn't leave me, my mind had to run back to our fight. I broke up with him. I left him. I left the guy I loved more than anything in the world. now I'm dating Jordan. I can't just.. leave him. but I can't stay with him either. hunters alive now. once he's on his two feet again, everything will be okay. jus how can I tell Jordan.

I felt the slightest touch on my cheek. I looked at hunter to see him wiping my tears for the millionth time since I've known him.

"I know you broke up with me. its okay. I know you were mad, I was mad, gosh. everyone was mad at that point. but everything is okay now."

I took his hand away, and made the slightest smile. even tho you could tell it was full of love, and pain, it was still cute.

"It was all my fault hunter. if I didn't answer the call, or break up with you, or watched as you left, you wouldn't be here. we would still be okay. you wouldn't be in pain. you wouldn't be here right now. and..." it was time to say it. I breathed in, then out. "I wouldn't be dating Jordan." I mumbled the last part.

"W-wha?" You could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry! I thought yo would leave me, and it was so sudden. I didn't think about it, I just said yes. I thought that maybe if you did wake up, you'd forget me, or hate me forever. I can break up with him, for you, if you want me to."

"N-no it's.. O-okay." He closed his eyes. I knew he didn't want to talk, or see me anymore.

" sorry hunter." I whispered. I stood up onto my feet. I can't believe this all just happen so sudden. he just wakes up, and also to hear that the girl he loves is dating his best friend. I guess I would be mad too if I were him.

I slightly touched the side of his face, bent down, and kissed the familiar feeling of his lips.

Once I stood up, I looked over to the guy. he looked sad himself. why?

"Umm." he cleared his throat. "lets go."

I walked over to him, and followed him out of the room.

"Why did you knock me out cold? You could have just said he was awake. I would have came no matter what." I said as he drove me down the road. "plus, what is your name? Or should I just call you my kidnapper?"

He let out a small chuckle. "names Dave."

"Okay. Dave. so where are you taking me?"

"Back to Jordan's. I don't want him to know you were gone."

"Oh.. I already know he's back home. it's 9 pm."


"Never mind. What was the yellow-orangish substance?"

"A type of thing that's puts people to sleep for a while. it doesn't harm you. I promise."

We pulled up to jordans house. sure enough, they were home. if he ask were I was, ill just say, I went to a friends house.

"Thanks... uhh Dave."

"No prob. and sorry about getting all weird on you."

All I did was smile, and shut the door. I walked up the drive meat of Jordan's house.

And with my luck, he was sitting on his porch.

"Where you been?" He asked once I sat next to him. I took his hand in mine, and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I can't lie. and your gotta find out soon." dong it. my mind spoke to quickly.

"Well, some guy came in and kidnapped me-"

"Did what?!"

"Shush Jordan! But he took me to the hospital because hunter woke up. that's why.

So I talked to him for a good 10 minutes until everything went downhill."

"How?" Jordan interrupted for the second time.

"Interrupt again, I won't finish. but anyway, I told him how we are.. dating now."



"How he react?"

"Well.. He just closed his eyes, and didn't talk to me anymore. so I left. oh yeah, my kidnappers name is, Dave."

"Oh. And oh."


Jordan turned my head, and kissed me. but it was quick, so I didnt kiss him back.

"Want me to drive you home? It's late." he finally asked.


Hello guys!!! I decided to write another chapter on the last day. Of 2014!!! Dang... But sorry if the chapter is bad, I tried to write a long one. but also its only 2 and a half hours till midnight... Or NEW YEARS!!!! But since it is the last day of the year, thank you all so much who is still reading and voting on my chapters. It means a lot to me. I know I'm not a huge writer that everyone knows, but I'm glad only yall do. thanks for making it a great 2k14!!! Ily all!! :D :D :D

All You wanted (book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt