Chapter 16: Curfew Was Meant To Be Broken

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Have you ever experienced blacking-out? Like so much is happening in a moment, and when it’s over, you can’t remember a single thing? Or something is so unclear that you have bits and pieces to an answer but together, it makes no sense?

Blacking-out was like a dreamless sleep. When you know you’re sleeping, but can’t see anything.

Well, that’s all I can say. I felt like I was mentally unconscious, even though at the moment I saw everything. But now it’s all a blur. It was as if I was looking through someone else’s glasses, and it was extremely unclear.

I knew the main parts of the situation.

The blue haired she-devil thought she was cute trying to prance all over Avery’s face. And in return, she got a face full of my fists.

See kids, your actions always have consequences.

I don’t remember her hitting me, but I knew she probably did. I couldn’t feel them though. The last thing I saw from the fight was me desperately reaching out to grab onto her as arms tugged me away.

I didn’t see anything besides her.

I didn’t hear the screaming around me.

I didn’t feel like myself.

I felt wild.

All I knew was that I was thrown in a room upstairs and locked in the dark.

I was pacing and trying to open the door. But it didn’t budge. At this moment, I didn’t care if I twisted the handle off. I was just so fumed that my hands were shaking.

It seemed as if the longer I thought about the deranged girl, the more vicious my attempts were to get out. It started out as defending Avery, but it escalated when I became part of the battle. For some reason, I was angrier.

My feeble attempts to twist the door knob, turned to me pounding and kicking the door.

I stopped after I kicked the door so hard, the bottom of my foot ached. So instead, I brushed my hair out of my eyes and looked for the light switch.

My surroundings become known to me as I was back in the bathroom. I took a few calming breaths and sat myself down on the edge of the tub.

I ran my fingers through the end of my hair, trying to do something to calm me down.

I wasn’t so angry anymore. I don’t think it was anger at all. Maybe it was the adrenaline of the situation that caused me to believe I was angry.

My thoughts kept running wild until someone knocked on the door.

I felt a little relieved that someone came, this way I would be able to get out.

“Hello?” I called out.

“Grace?” The voice responded back. They sounded awfully a lot like…


“Yeah, are you using the bathroom? I have to clean up my face.”

“Um, no but I’m locked in.”

There was no response. Just silence.

That was until I heard quiet giggling.

“Are you laughing at me?” I asked in disbelief.

“You know you’re in a bathroom, right?”

“Wow is that what this is?” I replied sarcastically.

“You know bathrooms have locks on the inside right?”

I looked at the handle and realized that for once, Avery was right.

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