26) Holding on to You

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Dallon's POV

"Dallon?" I hear Patrick get up from the bed. "What time is it?"

"It's almost 10 am." I say looking up from my phone. Patrick is sitting on the end of the bed. He looks extremely tired still but he looks calmer than before.  "I'm glad you're up I have to be getting to the next venue soon."

"Oh right you started tour again." He sighs and looks down.  "I better get going then."

I look at him slightly confused, "where do you think you're going?"

"I don't know.  Just away again."  He doesn't look up from the floor.

"No way, you are coming with me to the venue and we are making everything right again." I command sternly.  He looks up in shock that my normally smooth voice could be so stern. 

"Dallon I'm just not ready to face my problems yet.  Everyone is going to be mad at me for running away and I just can't face that anger." His eyes are full of fear and his voice shakes a little.  I feel bad for him but everything is going to Hell and Patrick is the only one who can fix it.  I need to convince him to at least meet with Brendon or Pete.

"Patrick, we all need you.  Everything has been shit since you left.  Everyone is so worried about you and I don't want to just lie to them if they ask about you.  Please talk to Brendon or Pete.  You don't have to do it alone I can be there with you.  Please Patrick." I beg him.  He avoids eye contact and just nervously looks around the room.  I don't know how to convince him but I know it's up to me to make sure Patrick doesn't run again.  This is so much pressure and I can hear my phone behind me blowing up with texts.

"I know, I know." He sighs.  "I just need a little more time to think everything through." 

I sit down next to him on the bed.  "Okay, how can I help?"

We talk for about an hour until we both agree on a plan.  Tonight after the show I'm going to gather everyone into a room so Patrick can talk to everyone all at once.  He doesn't want me to tell them that he will be there or that I saw him at all.  I tried to convince him that it would work better if they knew but he refused.  I know it's going to be difficult to get everyone together especially Brendon.  As soon as Patrick leaves I'm extremely nervous, what if he doesn't show up later?  I just really hope I can pull this off.

I call an Uber to drive me to the venue and while I sit in the car I check through my texts. Ryan texted me way too many times for his normal worrying.

I'll explain everything as soon as I see you. Where are you?

Where have you been?

I'm really worried for you and Brendon.

Dally please answer my texts.

Please don't just say your phone died again I know it didn't.

There's a handful more worried texts that I scan through. I text him that I'm on the way to the venue and I'll see him there. He responds within the minute telling me to be safe. I don't even bother looking at what Brendon texted me. The whole car ride I think over what I'm going to tell each person so I can get everyone in one place. I have no way to actually contact Pete or Patrick so I have to get creative.

As I walk into the venue I text Ryan that I arrived. As I'm walking through I realize that today me and Ryan have separate dressing rooms. I walk into my dressing room and to my surprise I find Brendon and Ryan both sitting in there. They're sitting on opposite sides of the room backs facing each other. As soon as they hear the door open their heads swing my way. I'm greeted with two faces that look both worried and relieved.

I notice on Brendon's forehead there is a large cut that appears to have been stitched up. Ryan quickly stands up and rushes over to me.

"Where the hell have you been?" He sounds tired and there are large bags under his eyes.

"I was at a hotel." I quickly say. "What the hell happened here?" I ask and point at Brendon's face.

"At a hotel? I couldn't find you anywhere." Ryan frantically spits out.

"And that's a big deal. He's the one per... one thing that should be able to find you." Brendon sarcastically says.

"Can someone please just tell me what happened to Brendon's face." I whine.

"Well turn on any news channel and you could find out." Ryan scuffs and Brendon mocks him.

"What do you mean? What the fuck did you do now Brendon?" I say through my teeth.

"Well honestly I can't really remember. Now that could be from the concussion or the alcohol." Brendon makes himself laugh.

"For god sake Brendon is everything just a joke to you? This is serious." Ryan snaps

"Can you too stop bickering for one minute." I shout. The room falls silent. "Okay, Ryan explain what happened to Brendon."

"Well, Brendon went on stage last night extremely intoxicated and it was obvious to everyone. He was constantly forgetting the lyrics, tripping over his own feet and speaking complete nonsense. When it came time to do his backflip he completely failed. He landed face first and cracked his head open. We immediately rushed him to the hospital because he was going in and out of conciseness. When we got him to the hospital they stitched him up gave him a bunch of fluids and sent him on away. At this point I didn't know where you were but I assumed you were still at the venue somewhere. We went back to the venue and Brendon was sobering up. He went straight to his room and I went looking for you. When I couldn't find you any where I rushed into Brendon's room knowing you talked to him before hoping he could remember something. He didn't, we texted you, and Brendon got wasted again." Ryan explains and I'm shocked at the mess. How could this get this fucked up so quickly?

I walk across the room and sit down putting my head into my heads. The room is once again completely silent.

"I'm sorry Dally." Brendon whispers. I can hear the regret in his voice this time.

"Brendon you're always sorry, maybe think about you're actions first so you don't have to be so sorry." I'm not even mad at this point, I'm too tired to be mad. I'm tired from not sleeping and tired of dealing with a dead beat Brendon.

"Sorry." Brendon's voice sounds defeated and I feel a little bad for him.

"I'm so tired. Can both of you leave so I can try and sleep a little." I don't even look up at them.

"Of course Dalpal I'll make sure you are awake in time for the show." Brendon tries to hide the sadness in his voice.

"I'll make sure everything gets set up properly." Ryan quietly says.

I can hear them walking out and whisper. I can tell they are arguing again but I don't have the energy to care. God I hope tonight goes smoothly.


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