Teacher And Talented Student (Chapter 12)

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Avi's POV

After a two months Yeongshi and I became really close. I asked him once...What if I said I like you? He answered I like you as my child and my close student😊. My heart ached. I shrug it off and pretended nothing happened but the word close STUDENT keeps on replaying on my mind.

Today is Friday...last day of weekends. I sighed. Since I was bored I scroll down my facebook account...as I was scrolling I saw a text that I can relate to very much.

I laughed at the text

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I laughed at the text. I shared the post and Yeongshi liked and commented on it.
He said "Ohh who's the special someone huhh😉😏😏" .

You: Its you idiot. Hayss

I shook my head and replied to the comment. I said "Secrettt" . He suddenly texted me.

-On the Phone-

Yeongshi: Hey wats all this?!

Avi: What?


Avi: Uhmm I don't know😊😊

Yeongshi: Omg Avi tell me?!

Avi:IM NOT!!!

Yeongshi's POV

I thought of it carefully...If its me we have a 6 years old gap...OK WHAT?! Avi likes me?! No this cant happen right? Shes just a close student of mine!

My heart started to race. I held my chest. Why am I feeling this? Whats happening to me...Do I like Avi? NoNo!! I have Marga it cant happen!

Marga: Hey hon! Whats happening?

You: Oh uhmm nothing

Marga: Are you sure? Your turning red

I touched my cheeks and its burning. Why am I blushing? She came close to me making me move backwards...She touched my forehead then my cheeks.

Marga: Why is your cheeks hot?

She quickly ran to the kitchen. I exhaled hoping she didn't see the conversation.

-On the Laptop-

        Yeongshi: Come on TELL ME!


      Yeongshi: Because...

Avi: see i don't have a reason!!

       Yeongshi: Hays fine!

       Yeongshi: But still tell me

Avi: Yeh yeh
        Yeongshi: I have to go🙂

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