Chapter 31

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Andrie's POV

Kylie: You all see this? this is the reason why we broke up because of this bitch!

Avi: You son of a-

Before anything happens I hugged Avi to protect her from Kylie but Kylie was so mad and pulled Avi's hair. I tried to stop them but they wouldn't let go Photographers are just there taking pictures so stupid while we were trying to stop them.

Kylie: If you didn't interrupt our relationship we wouldn't be over now! 

You: Your relationship was fake so what?!

Kylie: I loved him and you took him away from me!

You: Im his legal wife you have no right to touch him or do anything!

Kylie: If he didn't marry a girl like you then his life couldn't be miserable!

You: Kylie stop!

Kylie was shock at how loud my voice was. I was so mad my face turned red. Avi was shock to since it was her first time seeing me like this. I pulled Avi at my back before Kylie hurts her again.

You: I loved Avi first not you. I never even loved you! I did that fake relationship because Manager hyung needs help! and it was fake why did you all act like its real?!

Kylie: Tsk tsk...Ill have you back remember that! I get what belongings to me!

You: Tsk! Dream on!

Kylie left the room, mad. Some went after Kylie and some stayed at the room still watching us. I wanted a private time with Avi, so I went to my room. As soon as I reached my room, I started saying sorry to Avi.

Avi: Sorry for what?

You: Im sorry for shouting earlier.

Avi: Its fine! I know its your first time seeing yourself like this but your mad and I totally understand.

You: Hays...Thanks babe, you always understand me.

Avi: Thats why Im your wife right?

I chuckled and hugged her tightly. Suddenly the door opened and thought it was Junjee, but it was Manager hyung. Avi and I were both shocked and separated ourselves. Manager looked down smiling.

Manager: Uhmm is this the wrong timing?

He chuckled as we both smiled embarrassed...

You: What is it hyung?

Manager: Im proud of you son!

He suddenly hugged me, again.

You: Im scared, hyung.

Manager: Why?

You: What if-

Manager: Andrie, I told you already...I can handle this ok?

You: Hayst...Im sorry

Manager: Its ok, son. We will leave in a few minutes, by the way. Oh! and you can have a break for a week since a lot of things happened today. I know your tired and stressed.

You: Thank you hyung☺️

Avi and I bowed to Manager hyung and went outside. We waited for a elevator until the doors opened and showed a big mirror with no one inside. We went inside and pressed B1( Basement 1). As we arrived, and was about to go to out car someone suddenly went infront of us. It was a girl...I thought it was a girl lost which she cant find her car but it was Kylie. My eyes widened, as I was scared maybe she will do something to Avi.

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