Chapter 14

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Avi's POV

-3 Years Later-

After a few weeks, we kind of ran out of food. So I went out to go grocery shopping. If your asking "What about Junior?", well he goes to school now. If your wondering "How old is Junior now?" His already 4 years old. I know its to early for Junior to go to school but he learns so fast. So me and Andrie decided to send him to school now.

I texted Andrie before leaving the house, saying " I left, Im going to go grocery shopping. We literally have no food inside the fridge!! ILL SEE YOU LATER BYEE I LOVE U!!" After that I grab my car keys and went inside the car and start driving to the supermarket.

While I was shopping a unknown stranger came to me.

???: Avi?

You: Uhmm...who are you?

???: You don't remember me?

You: I have no idea...

I grew curious..."Who is he? How does he know me?" I asked my self.

???: What about...the teacher you liked for almost a year??

I think of it...Wait...this cant be...

You: Y-yeongshi?!!

Yeongshi: Finally!!

He hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead and cheeks. It made you mad...why did he kiss me?! You pushed him and wiped the parts he kissed...


Yeongshi: Huh? Babe are you ok?

You: "Babe"??!! What did you call me?!

Yeongshi: You don't remember?!

You: I don't know!

Yeongshi: You confessed to me and we dated!

You: H-huh?!

I pretended I didn't remember any of those...

Yeongshi: No...NO!! You remember those! You remember me! You remember everything!

You: Yeongshi pls chill I don't remember anything...

Yeongshi: I wont force you too🙂 I feel so happy I saw you again...I hope you remember me again...

He hugged me again and kissed my forehead...I don't know why I even allowed him too...but he seems so special to me...He started walking away. I sighed and continued shopping anyways.

After a few hours, I went home and saw Andrie playing with his phone while Junior is playing with his toys.

Andrie: Oh babe you finally came back!

Junior: Mummy I mwissed you swo bwadd!!!

You: I just left to get groceries baby don't worry🙂

After that, he smiled and continued to play with his toys. I went to sit down with Andrie.

Andrie: What did you buy?

He asked as he lay down my lap.

You: Food basically😂 What else am I going to buy in a supermarket huh?

Andrie: Ahahhaah okok

You: I need to tell you something..

Andrie: What is it?

I was trembling...I don't know what would his reaction would be... if his going to be mad or chill with it...But I shouldn't hide things from my husband. I took a deep breath and told him.

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