Chapter 34

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Andrie's POV

I was laying down the bed while waiting for Avi. It was already late at night and she still wasn't in our room. I got up and tried looking for her in the kitchen but she wasn't there, so I went to Junior's room assuming she is there taking Junior to sleep but when I entered his room he was there peacefully sleeping. My eyebrows crashed together getting confused. Some of the maids we're awake so I asked them if they saw Avi but they said they didn't see her. I got worried and looked around for her until...

Avi's POV

As I looked at my back my eyes widened in complete shock.

Vian: Hi baby

I covered my mouth with my hands because I thought it was Andrie who did all of this but I was wrong. Vian walked towards me and cupped my cheeks, I didn't know what to do. I completely froze. There was a smirk on his face.

Vian: Are you shocked to see me here?

You: W-what are you doing here?

Vian: I missed you so I thought I should visit you.

You: Y-you were the one that was following us?

Vian: You noticed?*chuckles* yeah that was me

You: You have to go

Vian: Why? Isn't this your house?

You: Are you crazy?! Andre is going to kill you!

Vian: Oh so his your husband? I thought your husband was going to be Joseph.

You: Vian, please leave. I'm begging-

His lips crashed on mine making me jump. I didn't kiss back and I tried to pull him away from me but he was too strong.

Andrie: Avi?

I was in shock I quickly pushed Vian with all pf my strength and faced Andrie. He was shocked.

Andrie: What are you doing?

You: Its not what you think!

Andrie: And what the fuck are you doing here?!

Andrie went towards Vian and punched him in the face. I quickly went to Andrie and told him to stop.

You: Andrie stop!

Andrie: Why did you kiss my wife you asshole!

He kept on punching Vian like he's going to kill him. I pushed Andrie and went to Vian and helped him stand.

Andrie: Your going to his side?!

You: Im not going in anyones side Andrie!

Andrie: Why the hell did you allow him to kiss you?! Avi you have a husband and a fucking kid!

You: Andrie...

Andrie: You get inside...and you!

He pointed at Vian and looked at him like its the end of his life.

Andrie: Get the fuck out of here!

Vian: No!

Andrie: What?

Vian: Im not leaving Avi with you!

You: Vian just leave!

Andrie: Guards!

Our security guards came and looked at Andrie.

Andrie: Get him out of here!

Guards: Yes sir!

Why Me? (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt