Chapter 27

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Andrie's POV

"OK SHES CRAZY?! WHY THE FUCK DID SHE KISS ME...UGH DISGUSTING!!" I thought as I ran back to my studio before she does something worse. My members looked at me with worried faces and asked if I was ok

Chou: Hey, you ok?

You: Yeah...Im fine

My best friend came closer to me and pulled me to the corner. His name is Junjee and we've been friends since we came here. He knows when Im sad or in trouble.

Junjee: Tell me what happened

You: Hayss...You know me so well

Junjee: Well Im your best friend

You: I talked to Manager hyung about stopping the rumors about me and Kylie. I wanted to stop our fake relationship since I know that my wife is getting hurt and she needs help with Junior.

Junjee: What did he say?

You: He said he will arrange the press conference...
after that I left his room and he called Kylie. I went to the bathroom for a minute and then I saw Kylie looking at our studio probably searching for me. Then she bumped me, I helped her get up then she kissed me. I pushed her and got mad at her, then ran here.

Junjee: Oh shit...

You: I know

Junjee: We all know Kylie likes you- I mean she loves so bad.

You: Ugh!! Why cant we just announce that Im married🙄

Junjee: hays...lets just wait for the press conference.

You: We should go back to practice

Junjee nodded as we went back to our group practice.

Avi's POV

I was at our house waiting for Junior to come home. I was sitting on our couch scrolling through instagram until I saw a fan page of Andrie and Kylie. My heart broke into pieces..."No no...sigh Avi its just a fake relationship you know that...Andrie loves you" I thought trying to calm my self. A lot of people supports them...If only I can say that Im the wife of Andrie...Hays

The door suddenly opened and saw our little Junior running towards me and gave me a big hug.

You: Aww welcome back *kiss his forehead*

Junior: Thank you mommyy~~

You: Honey, what do you want for dinner?

Junior: Anything is fine with me.

You: Ok

I went to the kitchen and started cooking while Junior went to his room and changed his clothes.

Junior: Mommy can we go see daddy later? and eat dinner together?

You: Sure! I mean we haven't seen each other for a while now so why not?

Junior jumped up and down excited to see his dad. I smiled at my self and focused on cooking.

After cooking I packed our food in a lunch box and prepared our self. We got in my car and drove to his studio. It wasn't that far but Junior took a small nap since he was tried. I parked my car in front of his building and a lot of paparazzi were talking pictures of us. I hold Junior tight because maybe he might get kidnapped or worse. They kept on asking on who I was but I never answered, I was about to open the glass door until a guard blocked my way.

Guard: Who are you?

I was wearing sun glasses so I took them of so he can see my face.

You: Remember me?

He widened his eyes and went to the side and bowed at me.

Guard: Im sorry ma'am..

I nodded and went to Andrie's studio. I stood in front of the door and inhaled...I opened the door and saw them sitting on the floor eating food. As I spotted Andrie I saw him with his big eyes and shocked face. He stood up and hugged me tight then Junior came out. Andrie gave me a small peck as he gave a kiss on the forehead. His members stood up and greeted us, Junjee, Andrie's best friend carried Junior.

Andrie: What are you doing here??

You: Junior wanted to see you and have dinner with you.

Andrie: Aww

Andrie took Junior from Junjee and hugged him tight.

Andrie: Aww man, Im sorry I haven't been at home. Ive been busy this past weeks.

You: We understand that🙂

JenHyung: Shall we continue eating?

JenHyung came popping at the back waiting for us. We all laughed and we started eating.

Andrie: Ughh!😩 I miss your cooking so bad

You: Aww you can taste my cooking if you comeback home😂

Andrie: Aww bummer HAHHAHAHAH

We all started laughing and making stupid jokes. It was getting late and Junior has school tomorrow.

You: Babe

Andrie: Yeah?

You: We have to go home its getting late. Junior has school tomorrow.

Andrie: What? Cant he be absent tomorrow

You: You know Junior cant be absent

Andrie: Please~~ just for today hmm?

He looked at you making you give up. His too cute you know🤧

You: Fine!

Andrie: Yeheyy!! Both of you can stay at my dorm.

You: Sure

We all spend time together like a family, until Junior started yawning. Me and Andrie looked at each other and laughed. We both went to his dorm and bid goodbyes to his members. As we arrived at his dorm, he opened the door and it looked simple. We went to his room and laid down Junior on the bed. Since his bed was a single bed, Me and Andrie slept at his couch.

Andrie: I missed you

You: I missed you too

Andrie: You remember having sex at the couch?

You: YAH!!

I playfully hit him on his chest as he started laughing.

Andrie: Im just kidding...well if you want to

You: Not ready, Junior is already a handful.

Andrie: We can use condom?

You: Do you really want to do it?

Andrie: Im desperate

He kissed me passionately as I kissed back, missing his touch. His hands started roaming around my body as his hand landed on my thighs going up to my clit. He started playing with my clit which made me moan.

Andrie: Lets try make it quite...Junior might wake up.

You: I will try.

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