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I had to admit; I never saw myself as a college student. Even though in high school Vic encouraged me to follow further studies in art, I still didn't think I'd get here. I hated doing assignments and I hated doing homework. I didn't have the patience to sit through class, but I figured that maybe if I was studying something that I enjoyed then it'd be different, and on the most part, it was.

It was Oliver talking about how great college life was that got me more interested. He was always getting invited to parties and making a lot of new friends. I hadn't made any friends yet though. I didn't think I really wanted to. In my personal experience, friends just end up causing trouble. The parties looked fun though, although I hadn't been to any of them yet either, after all I've only been going here for about three weeks now. Everyone seems to be so invested in getting a good start with their education.

Another big part of me wanting to go to college was so I had something to do. I didn't want to just work at café's or fast food restaurants for the rest of my life. I want to do something I'm passionate about and even though I'm confident in my artistic abilities, I know I probably won't be taken seriously until I have some sort of college degree.

The only down side to doing an art major was the theory side of it. This morning's class was the history of art and some bits were interesting, but on the most part I was bored out of my mind. I'd probably skip the boring lectures, but I liked the distraction whether it was boring or not.

A couple of minutes after class was supposed to end, the professor let us go. There were quite a few people and everyone seemed to have their little cliques. There were a few people, like me, who sat by themselves. Maybe I'd sit with one someday, or maybe l was too nervous to.

I left the classroom, along with the others, and ventured my own way. l was going to the library to do some studying. Oliver had class today too, so the plan was to wait around until he's finished and we'd walk home together. It was pure luck that we got a place within walking distance to campus. I always felt like I owed Oliver a lot since he pays for about 70% of our expenses. I give him as much money as possible but I'm constantly in between jobs so it gets hard. He knows I try though, or at least he knows how grateful I am that he's helped me so much during these past two years.

Speak of the devil. I was walking through the busy courtyard in the middle of campus when he came up behind me. He startled me at first when he put his arm around my waist.

"Hey, cutie," he said in a rush and planted a kiss on my cheek. I gasped and let out a breath after I realized it was him.

"Hey. I was just going to the-"

"No time to chat, love," he said as he stepped in front of me, making me stop, "l'm late for class,"

"Oh okay, well you better go then," I said with a smile. Seeing him on campus was honestly the highlight of my day.

"Yep, love you," he said quickly and pecked me on the lips before pulling away, smiling and jogging away in the opposite direction. My heart was still pounding from the encounter as I continued on my way to the library.

I entered one of the buildings to take a shortcut. It was the science building. I didn't belong here in the slightest and you could tell from a mile away. I looked like a rock star who just rolled out of bed with a hangover, whereas everyone else scattered throughout the halls looked like they were actually serious about life. I kept walking past the people who I probably had zero in common with, but then I stopped when something caught my eye.

'Introductory Biology: 1012BIO' was written on a piece of paper stuck to the door. That was Vic's class, at least I thought it was. With the amount of classes taught here there'd probably be a few teachers for Biology. Besides, he was a teacher's assistant. He'd probably just be sitting down the front helping out or something.

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