Chapter One: Page 4

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Wisteria got to the Gaming Center and saw Lance at outside.

Wisteria: He is looking absolutely more irritated them normal maybe because he couldn't get Keith that letter?

Wisteria sighed and walked up to him. Lance was leaning against the wall. He looked very pissed off at something. Wisteria wanted to ask but nobody could hear her. She sighed and leaned against the wall too. Suddenly Keith walked around the corner and the two boys glared at each other.

Wisteria: Will you two just kiss alright!! You obviously are in a secret relationship!!!

Wisteria yelled, annoyed. She just hoped she didn't have walk into another sec screen.

Lotor: Hey little bro!

Lotor, Astrol and Matt walk up to them.

Keith: What's up you three?

Keith asked smiling.

Astrol: Oh nothing~ I just beat the King of Basketball in a one on one battle.

Astrol smirked.

Lotor: Oh shut up!

Astrol: How about you make me, hmmm...

Matt: Don't make this gay please. I don't want to be apart of your angry sex like last time.

Wisteria felt like throwing up again.

Lotor: Lance...we need have a talk about what you said to Keith this morning.

Lance looked at Keith.

Lance: You fucking told him?!

Lotor: Why weren't he? You have been an ass-hole to him since we were young. Ever you were 11 you started to call him a fag. How do you think that makes me feel Huh?

Wisteria: Wait?? Lotor's gay!! So one things the same!

Lance looked down.

Lance: Can we just go in?

Astrol: Hiding won't help you Lance.

Matt: That's right. Why can't you learn to accept Keith for what he is?!


Lance: You aren't my parents! Why should I listen to you?


(Poor Wisteria ;-;)

Lotor: Maybe you shouldn't be here if you are gonna act like this. Maybe I shouldn't be your brother either!

Lance: You aren't my brother anyways so why are you acting like it?

Lotor looked very hurt. Wisteria's mouth dropped on the floor.

Lotor: Go! Leave! I fucking tried to take care of you but it was a mistake!

Lance: I think so too!

Lance walked away. Keith looked a little upset. Wisteria did too. She sighed. Keith walked away from the three old boys. Wisteria followed him. Lance was kicking trash cans in an alleyway.

Lance: Stupid! Stupid Lotor! Who does he fucking think he is telling me what to do! He isn't my real brother!

Keith and Wisteria watched him. Keith suddenly walked over to him. Lance saw him.

Lance: What the fuck do you want faggot?! You already got me in trouble!

Keith grabbed his hand and kissed Lance's lips.

Wisteria gasped and covered her mouth with on hand. Lance slowly kissed back. Keith pinned him to a wall and  gently kiss Lance's neck. Lance gave out soft moans. Wisteria didn't mind this because it was fluff and it was sweet and gentle. She smiled at the two.

Wisteria: ok...maybe they didn't have a secret relationship before but...I'm happy that they are caring about each other.

Lance: you...

Keith pulled away from Lance's neck and looked at him stunned.

Wisteria jaw dropped to the floor again. She was not expecting that at all!

Keith: How do I know you aren't lying?

Lance gave him a pledging look.

Lance: I'm not! I...I have for awhile I was couldn't accept me for who I was....and I didn't understand my feels for you.....I'm so sorry I acted like that...I-I

Lance started to cry in Keith's shirt. Keith hugged him tightly. Keith sighed.

Keith: I like you too, Lance. I always have...and I forgive you...

Lance: Thank you Keith.

A tear drop fell on Wisteria's cheek. She started to cry herself.

Wisteria: Thank you.

She said between tears.

Keith: have tell everyone that your Bi...

Lance looked up at him quickly.

Lance: I don't think I can Keith. I'm to afraid.

Keith rubbed his hair.

Keith: Shh...I will be right beside you...I promise....

Lance: Lotor is pissed off at me. How can I come out to him when he disowned me as a brother?

Keith: He didn't disown you, Lance. He loves you a lot.

Lance: Where am I gonna sleep tonight Keith?

Lance said still crying.

Keith: You can sleep with me at my house.

Lance looked up at him. Wisteria couldn't believe how cute they are right now. They are even cuter then her Lance and Keith.

Keith: I will take care of you until Lotor let's you in again.

Lance nods. They walk down the street holding hands. Wisteria follows them, smiling.

Stars are Allies too~ (Klance AU kinda) Where stories live. Discover now