Chapter Two: Page 6

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Wisteria followed Riiver and the others up a hill. Wisteria was getting tired and stared to whine a bit.

Wisteria: Where are we going?

Jay: Be patience Star.

Wisteria: It's nearly dark and Keith is probably wondering where I am.

Riiver smiled at Blake. Skylar walked next to Wisteria and put his hand on her shoulder.

Skylar: This place is magical at night. You won't regret it.

Riiver: But...this is our secret you can't tell anyone ok?

Wisteria nodded. It was really dark and Wisteria couldn't see where she was going.

Riiver: You still there Wisteria?

Wisteria: Y-Yeah.

Blake stopped walking and crouched down in front of her.

Blake: Get on my back. I will help you walk.

Wisteria blushed and climbed onto Blake's back. She wrapped her arms around Blake's neck. Blake stood up again and started walking.

Blake: Aren't the Stars beautiful?

He asked Wisteria.

Wisteria looked up at them.

Wisteria: Woah...

Blake smiled.

Wisteria: Look! I see the Big Dipper! And the North Star!

Blake looked up.

Blake: I see it too. Oh can kinda see the Milky Way from here.

Wisteria: Oh yeah!

Wisteria said. Riiver smiled at them. Jay just gave them a side look. They got to a big cliff and you could see the whole town from it. Wisteria's eyes sparkled.

Wisteria: Woah...

She said again.

Riiver: Amazing isn't it?

Wisteria: It's....incredible...

Skylar: Isn't it? You can see everything from up here. It's so beautiful too. And you can go star gazing.

Wisteria: From Earth...Stars look more then in space.

Riiver gave her a smile and a side look.

Riiver: Have you ever went star gazing?

Wisteria shock her head.

Wisteria: Pidge always told me about it but everyone's so busy I never got a chance. It's on my list of things I want to do when I get to earth.

Skylar: You're on earth now!

Blake: Yeah.

Wisteria got off Blake's back. Riiver smiled at her.

Wisteria: How does one star gazing?

Jay: Seriously?

Skylar: It's easy you just lay on your back and look at the stars.

Wisteria laid on her back and looked up at the sky.

Wisteria: Like this?

Riiver: Exactly!

The four of them laid down next to her. Wisteria look up at the stars. They were beautiful. Wisteria learned a lot about stars from Pidge and how they were made. There are balls of gas millions of miles away kinda like how the Voltron team is from Earth. Her eyes sparkled so brightly they almost looked like stars themselves.

Riiver: Every time I feel alone I just look up at the stars and I don't. There's people up there you know. Watching over us.

Wisteria looked at him.

Wisteria: Really?

Riiver smiled at her.

Riiver: Yep. If you ever feel alone just remember the People of the past are looking down on us from those stars.

Wisteria nodded and looked up at the sky again.

Wisteria: Maybe my Keith is up there watching over me right now.

Stars are Allies too~ (Klance AU kinda) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora