Chapter Three: Page 3

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Keith woke up with a heavy feeling on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw a little girl sleeping on him. He panicked. Who was she? He calmed down when he saw her face. His eyes widen.

Keith: Little Star?

Wisteria moved a little in her sleep. Keith smiled.

Keith: She looks just like our Wisteria.

He thought. He nuzzled her hair. Suddenly, Kosmo ran into the room and jumped on them. Wisteria jumped up.

Wisteria: I was sleeping.

She whined. Keith looked at her.

Wisteria: Morning ...

Keith: Morning, Wisteria.

Wisteria stared at him.

Wisteria: You can see me?

She asked him. Keith smiled at her.
Wisteria started to jump on the bed. Keith sat up. He grabbed Wisteria and she fell on to his lap. He nuzzled her neck. Wisteria laughed.

Keith: Are you ticklish?

Wisteria: No!

Keith started to tickle her stomach. Wisteria laughed again. She struggled to get away. Shiro and Adam were watching from the doorway smiling. Keith stopped, but Wisteria kept laughing. Keith smiled at her. They rubbed their noses together. They both smiled. Wisteria leaned on Keith's chest. She felt happy. She felt at home. Kosmo licked their faces. Wisteria giggled a little. Keith got up and carried Wisteria out of the room. He walked past Shiro and Adam.

Keith: Morning, Dads.

Adam: Morning, Keith.

They watched him go downstairs. Keith put her down in the kitchen and went to made toast for them. Wisteria sat on a chair. Keith brought out toast and Orange Juice. He sat down. Adam had coffee and Shiro had eggs. Keith and Wisteria smiled at each other. They started to race to finish eating.

Adam: Slow down, your two.

Wisteria finished first.

Wisteria: I won! The winner gets to the bathroom first!

Keith smiled then he looked at Shiro and Adam. Shiro was looking up at him while holding his newspaper and Adam was driving his coffee raising an eyebrow.

Shiro: How old are you again, Keith.

Keith blushed in embarrassment. Wisteria was blushing her teeth. Keith walked in on her.

Keith: Are you using my toothbrush?

Wisteria: This is my first time blushing my teeth her. Since I don't have a toothbrush I thought I could use yours.

Keith smiled. He then rubbed her hair.

Keith: What is mine is yours.

Wisteria smiled.

Adam walked up the stairs and went to Keith's bedroom to check up on Wisteria. Keith was laying down on his back on his bed while Wisteria laid on his chest. Keith had Pocky in his mouth.

Wisteria: Can I try it?

Wisteria bit the other end of it. Keith broke the thing in half. Wisteria chewed it.

Wisteria: It's delicious!

Keith smiled again. Adam was smiling at them.

Keith rubbed his nose against Wisteria's.

Keith: So, What do you wanna do today, Wisteria?

Wisteria thought about it. Suddenly, Keith's phone started to ring. He got up and answered it.

Stars are Allies too~ (Klance AU kinda) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin