Chapter Three: Page 1

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Wisteria was running through the town to get to the Gaming Center. Lance and Keith were having there very first date there and she couldn't miss it. They were outside of the Gaming Center with Riiver and Blake.

Wisteria: Double date?

Wisteria: Guys!

She called. She jumped on to Keith and knocked him over. Riiver laughed.

Lance: Are you ok, Keith?

Keith smiled.

Keith: Yeah I'm fine.

Blake: That was a knock out.

Blake said, smiling.

Wisteria hugged Keith tightly.

Keith: Hello, to you too.

Wisteria got off of him and they stood up. Wisteria looked over to Riiver and Blake.

Wisteria: Are you guys on a date too?

She asked. Riiver looked over to Blake. Blake looked back at him.

Lance: You two can see her?

Lance asked them.

Riiver: We have a gift! We can see Supernatural things!

Riiver lied.

Wisteria: But I'm not Supernatural...

Riiver: Supernatural and other Dimension things I meant to say.

Keith: Oh?

Keith said, knowing he was lying. Keith has a good sense of that. He could tell when people were lying by just looking at them.

Wisteria: Riiver. You promised that you will help me check off my list this week!

Riiver: That's right! I completely forgot. Well...what's on your list Star Girl?

Wisteria thought about it.

Wisteria: I heard there was a Festival in town!

Lance: That's a great idea!

Keith: Yeah.

Blake: Then let's go.

Blake said, smiling.

They walked together towards the Festival. Once they got there tickets and went in Wisteria's eyes lit up.

Wisteria: a Roller Coaster. A Ferries wheel and a Carousel!

Keith: This is your day, pick whatever you like.

Wisteria saw a giant roller coaster that she wanted to ride. It had tones of loops and you can go up hills too. She pointed to it.

Wisteria: I want to go on that one.

The four boys went pale as the saw it. Lance bent over to her.

Lance: Honey, maybe you should go on something... more Child-friendly.

Riiver: Lance right. I saw a nice safe not scary at all children's roller coaster near the entrance.

Wisteria: That was for babies.

Keith: Little Star... that really isn't for best roller coaster.

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