j.m.<stressed out>

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Jonahs POV

You guys may be wondering why is jonah so stressed, or even, why is he acting so differently lately. Wanna know why ? it's because of fucking corbyn, ugh I flipping hate him. he is making me so stressed were I cry myself to sleep.

Zach usally comes in to help me with stuff like that, and I appreciate the suoport, but I feel as the oldest I should be looking out for myself. Lots of fans have been wondering why haven't corbyn and I sat by each other at interviews or even talk to each other at meet and greets. And that is because I jonah marais hate corbyn matthew besson with all my heart but I don't let it show.

Lately my nights have been getting longer, and my fears have been growing wider. and right now im reading hate comments and thats doesn't help me much. corbs and I or should I say corbyn, got into a fight about something so stupid, but I can't help myself but still be pissed.

currently I am crying in my room with the door shut. Just thinkin about all my memories with my used to be best friend, that he might be hurting just as much as I've been hurting. It gets to the point were it's hard to breath, that's what happens when I'm stressed. I can't thing properly and my mind drifts off to someplace I call "the fuck it world"

I suddenly hear my bedroom door open and wipe my tears away, and try to act like everything is normal. It turned out to just jack. "Hey Jonah buddy you should come down stairs and eat with us" jack might be saying that because when I get stressed I don't eat. some people stress eat, well I stress cry. "I'm not in the mood to eat, nor do I want to eat with him" I say in udder disgust and also rolling my eyes very dramaticly. "Jonah, you and corbyn haven't talk about this little fight. what you don't know is that Corbyn is hurting just as much" jack said with little anger "you guys are band mates, best friends, brothers, and I can tell your very stressed about all of this. let's just go eat" jack says grabbing my hand and pulling my downstairs, which is the last place I wanna be.

The first person I see is corbyn, his face is red, with fairly new tear stains on it, while he's just looking down at his food not wanting it.

I casually sit down so that I am facing corbyn, we dare to not make eye contact. "So how was everyone's day" daniel said trying to break the silence. That's when corbyn looks up and says "j-j-Jonah I'm sorry. I'm the stupidest person on this planet earth. I may be the last person on earth you wanna talk too. But just know I'm always gonna be the last person on earth that will never stop caring about you" He says tearing up and walking away from the table.

I can't let him walk away, not this time. He's my brother I love him. I think to my self. With that I get up and walk to corbyns room, just too see something I wish I never saw... that's brings my stress levels up so much

c-c-corbyn what did you do, corbyn i-i-I didn't know you were hurting this bad. when I walked into his room, there was stuff everywere glass thrown everywere cloths everywere and blood on the wall from were im guessing I punched it when I got mad at him. "Jonah, what you didn't know before you left, was that I needed you, and obviously you need me too, because I've seen you have panic attacks with zach because how stressed I've made you. When I heard you crying in Zachs arms yesterday I couldn't help but feel pitty for myself, I'm sorry jonah I really am" Corbyn said that collapsing on the ground.

Next thing I know, my breathing starts to hitch and I feel tears cone out of my eyes. I slowly but fastly stumble out of corbyns room to mine to get my inhaler, but as I'm walking out I hear corbyn crying harder. Probably because he thinks I'm leaving him again, which I could never.

As I'm walking I'm holding myself onto the walls so I don't fall on the carpet below. I finally make it to my room and walk over to my dresser and take puffs of my inhaler as tears threaten to fall. Zach comes in and holds me in his chest as I cry.

Finally when I'm done doing whatever the fuck that was, I run and I mean like 200mphs speed run to corbyns room to find him still on the floor with his knees to his chest crying still. Corbyn everything is okay I love you. "I-i-Im sorry I made you stressed jonah I really am I never thought about the outcome for the both of us. I love you jojo." I love you too corbyn

And with that Jonah Marais and Corbyn Besson were best friends, more like brothers again. Yes jonah has still been stressed, but he has 4 amazing best friends to help him through everything, including corbyn

ok guys. don't DM me requests like yall have doing, do it on the request page,its easier for me. lmao thx❤

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