Chapter 6: tuesday morning

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I woke up sick to my stomach. I didn't want to go to school so I called a couple of people to see if they were going.

I called Jeff.


"Hi jeff its Sarah"

"Hi Sarah"

"Uhh I was just wondering are you going to school today."

"Umm idk why"

"Cause I wanted to hang."

"Ok I'll be there in an hour ok"

"See you later"

"Ok bye".

I wanted more people to come since I wanted it to have fun so I called Lizzy.

It rang and rang but she didn't pick up.

So I called Chris.


"Hey Chris its Sarah"

"Oh hi sarah"

"Uhh I just wanted to ask if you were going to school today"

"I am why"

"Oh I just wanted to hang out"

"Ok then I'm not going school anymore"

"Really" I said showing the happiness through my voice.

"Anything for you beautiful"

"Ok come to my place now."

"Ok be there in 20 later"

"Bye" and j ended the call.

I really wanted josh to be with us but I don't think he's going to cut school for me, but its worth a try.

It rang and rang and finally he picked up.

"Hello sexy" his voice came through the speakers.

"Uhh hi josh its sarah."

"Yea I know" he said

"Ok so are you going to school today."


"Because me Jeff and Chris were hanging I thought maybe you would want to hang with us."

"Ok only if you want me thier"

"Umm I don't mind it's just your choice if you want to cut school." I said trying not to make it awkward.


"So u coming"

"Uhh sure why not"

"Ok meet me at my house."

"K be there in ten"


I was thinking what we should do it was like 8:20 and josh would be here at 8:30 the first one.

So I got up washed got dressed and headed downstairs.

Ding dong ding dong. the door bell rang.

I answered it and it was josh.

"Hey josh" I said starring at him

I remixed he was checking me out but I didn't say anything.

"Come in" I muttered


He came in and sat on the couch

"Want anything to eat"

"Naa I ate before I came."

"Ok. Well I didn't so I'm going to grab something to eat you can wait in my room or in the hall up to you."

Josh pov.

I headed to her room because I thought it would be better I entered she had a feature wall on the right wall, her bed was in the middle with a beautiful pink blanket on top.

She had a desk on the left of her wall and two doors beside it.

One was the bathroom and shower the other was her walk in wardrobe on the wall I front of her bed she had a Tv stuck on the wall with a built in DVD player.

I put the first movie I grabbed into the did player and sat in her bed watching.

5 minutes later...

She walks in with a plate of serial and starts eating. I start laughing.

"What's so funny" she said after chewing her food down.

"Nothing don't worry"

"Ok" she said as she rolled her eyes at me and laughed.



"Do you know how we kissed yesterday"i said softly.

"Yea" she looked at me.

"Is it considered as our first kiss"

"I don't know, you should probably hang on to it done its never happening again."

"Because it was a dare."

"Fine. I dare you to kiss me again."



"Because we are not playing the game right now and I'm not your kissing toy."

"I know your not but did you have to be so hott." I was telling the truth though.

She smiled at me and said "what can I say I'm hot but a hand full."

" I would deal with two hand fulls just to have you."

She patted me on the back and said "well your out of luck mate."

I wish she actually took me seriously.

But she doesn't because I'm a bad boy

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