Chapter 8:just chillin and hangin until the bang

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Jeff's pov
We were in Sara's game room, while josh, Chris and I were playing on the pool table. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Sarah since she was sitting alone on the little corner couch she had in the room

"Guys I'm going to so sit with Sarah you guys continue playing" I said but they were too into the game to care.

Sarah was on her phone while I was approaching her "Jeff why aren't you playing" she. Asked as she clicked the switch off botton "I want to spend time with you since we haven't in a while now" I said trying to be nice cause she looked down.
"That's nice of you" she said patting the seat next to her

"So what's wrong you look down" I said as she was leaning on my shoulder.

"Nothing I was just thinking" she said in a low voice

"you know when ever you need anything I'm here for you"
I said that trying to cheer her up or make her feel loved or something, she laughed.

"What?" I said curiously

"You think I don't know that already" she said looking at me

" no I know you know but I was just reminding you that I'm here no matter what"

She smiled and said "your a good friend I love you " I'm glad I cheered her up

"Same to you and I love you too"

Dirrring she got a message "who's that" I asked

"Izzy she's coming over and bringing a couple of friends"

"That's great, but make sure it's only a couple we don't want a reaper of last time remember."

She laughed "I told lizzy the exact same thing "

" Haha come play in the pool table with us" I said giving her my hand to pull her up.

"Nah it's ok u know I don't like pool table and the only game I like is air hockey remember" she said with a passion how much she hates pool table.

"Why do u hate it when you have never tried it" I asked

" I don't know that's who I am, I just hate things " she said while she shrugged her shoulders.

"Fineee let's play air hockey." I said after a sigh. I gave her my hand and I pulled her up.

After a couple of rounds of air hockey, btw she beet me in all the rounds, the boys where still playing on the pool table and the door bell rang that seemed to catch joshed attention "who's that?" Josh asked Sarah answered "just a couple of friends" as she went to wards the game room door to leave.

Sarah pov
I open the door and see about six or seven people I hardly knew any

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