1. Just the beginning

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I'm Brielle Joy Smith. I'm 19 and a triplet. Fun right? Thea Rose and Raine Remi Smith. Their identical and I'm not identical to them. Anyway today we are just hanging before college begins. I have brown hair and brown eyes. While I do share brown hair and brown eyes, Thea and Raine are IDENTICAL.

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I love being a triplet but I do love them

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I love being a triplet but I do love them. Only thing is I live in their shadow. I put on a skirt overall and an off the shoulder top. I slide on some Vans. I loosely curl my hair and do light make make up. I go down and see Thea and Raine eating porridge and green smoothies.

"Morning Bree!" Said Thea. "Morning" Said Bree. I smile and make some eggs and toast. When it's done I dig into the food and just enjoy. "So college in Trinity tomorrow!" Said Raine. "I know! I'm so excited!" Said Thea. "Bree, you excited?" Asked Raine. "Yeah, it's gonna be the best years ever." Said Bree, not excited.

We go into the sitting room and mum smiles at us. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" Asked Mum. Thea and Raine nod really hard. I just nod and then sit down. "I'll drive to Bray!" Said Thea. Me and Raine just nod. We get in the car, me in the back.

"Tania is texting, she wants to go out tonight" Said Thea. "Oh great! Text back we will go. Bree you coming?" Asked Raine. "Nope." Said Bree. Raine nods and we arrive. We get out and walk along the beach. I smile at the sea. Thea smiles. "We will just grab you an ice cream and we will leave! We have to get ready!" Said Raine. "Oh yes!" Said Thea. I buy a vanilla ice cream. We get home and they go get ready. I sigh.

Thea's outfit

Raine's dress

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Raine's dress

I smile and then they leave

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I smile and then they leave. I sit back and mum sits beside me. "How are you?" Asked Mum. "Good" Said Bree. I look around and mum hugs me and we have dinner.

The girls walk in at 12 and I'm in bed, watching Netflix. I sit up and see Thea walk inside and I smile. "How was it?" Asked Bree. "Great! Raine and I met boys!" Said Thea. I smile and they go to bed.

Next day

I wake up and I have to get dressed.

I then put my hair in a bun and light make up

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I then put my hair in a bun and light make up. I go down and smile at mum. Not really excited. I have a quick breakfast and then we head to college. We get the 13 bus to College Green and get off. We go inside and find the place we have the assembly.

I sit down. Thea and Raine walk off. I sigh and look down. I listen to the Dean drag on and I roll my eyes. At lunch I just relax. When we get home mum hugs us and I go to my room. I text my dad. Mum and dad divorced when we were 15. He lives in LA and is a manager of a really high up company.

To dad

I think I want to move over to LA and transfer to UCLA. I'm not feeling happy or excited for this.

From dad

Well I'll talk to your mum and we can organise a house for you and I will talk to the head of UCLA and see what they can do. I love you, Bree. X

To dad

Thank you! Your the best! I love you! X

I go down and see mum picking up her phone. "Yeah..... what?..... if it makes her happy then yeah..... okay I'll talk to the dean of Trinity." Said Mum. Mum looks at me and motions me over. "Are you sure you want to move to America?" Asked Mum. "I am. I'm not happy doing the course I'm doing and I think LA is calling me" Said Bree. "Bree your my baby and your amazing" Said mum. I hug her and we order pizza. We enjoy our food and then I go to bed at 11.

I'm moving to LA. Finally out of Thea's and Raine's shadow.

So this is a ZACH HERRON book! I hope you enjoy this book! I am excited to write it and I'm going to Wexford on Saturday so I will TRY to update then but I'm in a mobile home so yassss.

Lorna XX

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