13. Dublin for the day

45 3 16

I wake up and it's sunny. I smile and stand up. I go find an outfit for today. I brush my hair and leave it down. I do light make up and go downstairs.

"Sweetie, I saw the video of Eben's proposal" Said Mum. "Oh" Said Bree. "He seemed to really love you" Said Mum. I sit down. "I didn't feel the sparks or butterflies. I didn't want to say yes to only hurt him later" Said Bree. "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. I remember my first love and no, it wasn't your father" Said Mum. "Who was it?" Asked Bree. "Thomas Stanley Hayes. We were together since 1st year. We were 13, we broke up when he went to college in London. He got married two years after moving to London. I also moved on, so there was no hard feelings as people would have thought" Said Mum. "Do you know where he is now?" Asked Bree. "Divorced and living in Wicklow. His a CEO of a huge company here and in London. I never seen him since the break up, funny right" Said Mum. "Maybe you should meet him again, since you probably need closer" Said Bree. "Honey, I have beautiful kids, a new soon to be husband. I don't need to meet one of my exes" Said mum, looking down. I nod and see Zach walk in. "Morning" Said Zach. "Morning, dear. I'm making waffles, do you want Nutella on them?" Asked mum. "Yes please" Said Zach. Mum smiles.

Soon me and Zach leave with mum to Town. We get there and walk to Temple Bar when mum stops. "That's Thomas" Said Mum. He spots us and walks over. "Maria? Is that you?" Asked Thomas. "Yeah. Hi" Said Mum. "Wow you look amazing" Said Thomas. "So do you" Said Mum. "These must be your children" Said Thomas. "Oh this is Brielle, my daughter and her friend Zach. I have two other girls, Raine and Thea. Raine, Thea and Bree are triplets" Said Mum. "Wow. That's nice. Want to grab a coffee? Catch up" Said Thomas. "Oh we are going shopping" Said Mum. "No, mum go. I'll show Zach around. Go" Said Bree. Mum nods and they leave.

Maria's POV (Bree's Mum)

We head to Costa and we get our coffees. "How are you, Thomas?" Asked Maria. "Good. Tyler and his twin, Rose started at Trinity. Their staying in accommodations since we live in Wicklow" Said Thomas. "Wow, that's amazing" Said Maria. "Where does your daughters go to college?" Asked Thomas. "UCLA, in LA. They transferred from Trinity to UCLA, thanks to their dad who lives over there" Said Maria. "Wow, that's amazing" Said Thomas. "It is. I'm currently planning my wedding" Said Maria. He looks at me. "Your getting married" Said Thomas. "I'm 42, I'm still young... yeah me and Andrew" Said Maria. "The guy who used to bully people from our year?" Asked Thomas. "Yeah. His changed. The girls like him." Said Maria. "Congratulations, then on your wedding" Said Thomas. "Thank you. You should find someone, I bet you have girls lining up to date you" Said Maria. "No, I'm happy with my dogs and kids" Said Thomas. I nod. I look at him, into his eyes.


Me and Thomas are sitting on my bed. "Babe, I have tons of plans. You know, a small, intimate wedding and three kids. A small but comfortable house with four bedrooms. A dog or two. I want everything. Your my everything" Said Thomas. "I want that too. I do have some news, I'm pregnant" Said Maria. He kisses me and I kiss back. "We are finishing school soon and then college and a baby" Said Thomas.


Thomas calls me over and I'm currently four months pregnant with a boy. "Baby, I hate to say this but we need to break up" Said Thomas. "But we are having a son" Said Maria. " I know but I'll be in London for five years and I don't want you to wait for me" Said Thomas. "Fine!" Said Maria. I go home and cry.


My son, Edward Thomas Hayes was born. I cry. I am giving him up for adoption. I have no money, I live with my parents. The adoption agency person comes in and takes him after I told her his name. I begin to cry.


"I gave Edward, our son up for adoption" Said Maria. "I heard from my parents" Said Thomas. "I'm sorry. I should have kept him but I-I didn't have you" Said Maria. "I found him. His 24. His married and has triplets. Hayden Ryan, Amberley Remi and Mark Tom Johnson." Said Thomas. "Oh. I would love to meet him" Said Maria. "You can. I can arrange it" Said Thomas. I stand up and hug him. "Thank you, Tommy" Said Maria. He smiles and hugs me. I stare into his eyes and he leans in and kisses me. I kiss back and all my feelings for him rushes back. We pull apart. "I have to go. Here's my number" Said Maria. I run out.

I kissed Thomas Hayes.

Bree's POV

After walking around all of town we finally find mum. She is blushing. "Me and Thomas kisses. I have to break up with Andrew. I love Thomas!" Said Mum. I smile. "Knew it. Go. We will go for dinner and go home" Said Bree. She runs off and we go to Five Guys.

We go home at 10 and Mum is sitting down. "Can we speak?" Asked Mum. We sit down. "You have a brother. Me and Thomas have a son, his 24 and I am planning on meeting him. Edward Thomas Johnson is his last name now. I gave him up for adoption since I was a single mum with nothing" Said Mum. "I want to meet him too" Said Bree. "You will. I will contact Raine and Thea" Said Mum. I nod and hug her. Me and Zach go to bed.

"Wow I have a brother" Said Bree. "You do. Well night, see you in the morning" Said Zach. "Night, see ya tomorrow" Said Bree. I go to my room and put on my pyjamas. I slide into bed and fall asleep.

I have a brother. Half brother but his still my brother.

Well she has a half brother. Wow.

I hope you enjoyed!!

Lorna xx

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