3. First Day in LA

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I wake up in then morning smiling and go find an outfit. I throw on shorts and a black top. I throw on a denim jacket and some Vans. I smile to myself and curl my hair a little. I do light make up and then I smile. I go grab my bag and phone. I'm going out exploring.

I lock my door and see five guys standing there. "Hey your the new neighbour" Said the young looking one. "Yeah, I'm Brielle" Said Bree. "I'm Zach, I'm 18" Said Zach. "Corbyn nearly 21" Said Corbyn. "Daniel, 20" Said Daniel. "Jack, 20" Said Jack. "Jonah, 21" Said Jonah. "I'm 19" Said Bree. "Where did you move from?" Asked Zach. "Ireland, Dublin" Said Bree. "Oh wow why move over here?" Asked Zach. "UCLA, the photography course" Said Bree. "Wow" Said Zach. I nod.

I see a girl and she kisses Zach. "I'm Kay, Zach's girlfriend" Said Kay. I smile. "I'm Brielle, Bree" Said Bree. "Nice to meet you" Smiled Kay. She seems lovely. I smile and look around. "I have to go explore, it was nice meeting you" Said Bree. "You too" Said Zag and the lads. I smile and walk off.

I find the beach and walk around. I spot a cafe for breakfast and I order pancakes and a hot chocolate. I dig in and I smile. I love it. I pay and leave. I walk along the beach and smile. I hear a ding.

From Thea

How is it?

To Thea

Met some people, my neighbours. Zach, Kay (girlfriend), Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel and Jack. They seem nice

From Thea

Oh that sounds good. Trinity college is GREAT!

To Thea

That's good I better go.

I turn my phone off and spot Zach. He walks over. "Hey Brielle" Smiled Zach. "Hey" Said Bree. "You wondering around?" Asked Zach. "Yeah, I am" Said Bree. "I'll show you this bomb place" Said Zach. I nod and follow him.

It's Santa Monica pier. I smile and we go to the arcade. We play some games. "I'm glad we have a cool neighbour" Said Zach. "Thank you and I honestly love it already" Said Bree. I look at Zach. "How long you and Kay been dating?" Asked Bree. "A year and a half" said Zach. "Wow, most boys your age aren't that good at long term" Said Bree. "True but I'm just the special case" laughed Zach. I laugh and we go home. I make my own lunch after Zach goes home.

I sit at my pool and paddle my feet. I smile. Zach seems cool. I really hope we stay friends. I have dinner at around 7 and watch movies for the rest of the night on Netflix.

I go to bed at 12.

Zach seems cool.

So They all met:) Zach seems like he wants to know her

I hope you enjoyed

I will be on Holidays down in a seaside town and I will TRY to update everyday but if I don't I'll try to do a double update on a rainy day (if that happens). So if I don't update at all or even once, don't worry I will do it when I get back double time 😂

Lorna xx

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