9. Saffron, Me, Tate

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I wake up and it's Friday. I have no classes today and Tate came down so me and Saff are hanging with her. I have to get dressed. I go to my wardrobe and open the door. I decide on a black dress with white dots all over it. I put on socks and then my converse. I loosely curl my hair and put it in a ponytail. I do light make up and go downstairs. I make some waffles and enjoy a very tasty meal.

I go open the door after I grab my bag and phone. I get in and drive to the beach. I step out and lock the doors. I walk over to Saffron and hug her. "Hey am I early?" Asked Bree. "Yeah. But it's fine, we could go get a Starbucks before this anyway" Said Saffron. I nod and we go get some drinks. We decide to take a pic.

Bree_Smith: With the bestie :) just missing Tate! Starbucks is my first love 💜

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Bree_Smith: With the bestie :) just missing Tate! Starbucks is my first love 💜

Ebenofficial: what about me?
Bree_Smith: Oops Sorry Eben. Your joint ;)

I smile and turn off my phone. "Hey sorry I'm late!" Said Tate. I smile and hug her. "It's fine, anyway how are you?" Asked Bree. "Great! Me and Kay have been texting and she's feeling shit" Said Tate. "How is she?" Asked Saffron. "Doing as good as she can" Said Tate. I nod.

We go to the Grove and walk around. Saffron and Tate are chatting. I listen in when I hear Zach. "I mean, he did cheat on his exes" Said Tate. "Tate, you don't know his side. You can't throw it back at him" Said Saffron. "Saffron's right, I mean, I saw him after it and he was pretty down about it all" Said Bree. "Yeah and? He cheated. His down because everyone knows his game" Said Tate. "He doesn't have a game, no game exists" Said Bree. "Guys stop! Let's just enjoy the day" Said Saffron. I nod. "Fine." Frowned Tate.

We go to The Cheesecake Factory. Eventually we go home. I see Eben and he walks over. "Hey babe" Said Eben. "Hey" Said Bree. He kisses me and I kiss back. "So want to see a movie tonight?" Asked Eben. "Ok, sounds good" Said Bree. We get in his car and he drives us to the cinema.

"How was yesterday with Zach?" Asked Eben. "Good, he seemed a bit better but of course he could be acting" Said Bree. "Yeah he could" Said Eben. I sigh and we get tickets to see Aladdin.

Afterwards we go to McDonald's for dinner. He drives me home and walks me to my door. "So sleep tight" Said Eben. "You too" Said Bree. Eben drives away. I see Zach get out of his car. I walk over.

"Hey Zach" Said Bree. "Hey!" Said Zach, smiling. "How are you?" Asked Bree. "Good. Going to move on." Said Zach. "That's good" Said Bree. "I better go feed the four hungry boys" Said Zach. I nod and smile. He goes inside. I go home and lie on my bed. Forget about Zach. I'm dating Eben and his sweet, kind and loyal. I'm going to be the best girlfriend even if I don't have the sparks or butterflies with him.

I go to bed at 10.

Be the best girlfriend ever.

So Tate and Bree had a little disagreement about the Zay drama.

I hope you enjoyed!!

Lorna xx

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