12. The Day after

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It's the day after the break up and a sad day for everyone. I do have to get dressed today. I go to my wardrobe and I find an outfit. I put my hair in two French braids and no make up.

I go down and see Thea eating cereal. "Hey" Said Bree. "Hey, How are you?" Asked Thea. "I'm currently fine. I have to tell you something. I like Zach. I feel sparks, butterflies and tingles. But I'm not gonna tell Zach or shit because I dated someone basically the minute I lived here. I need sometime to myself." Said Bree. "Tell Zach. So he knows you like him" Said Thea. I nod.

I stand up and go over. I knock and Zach opens the door. "Can we go for a walk" Said Bree. Zach nods and closes the door. We go to the park and sit down. "I said no to Eben because I wasn't IN love with Eben. I am in love with you.... well I really like you" Said Bree. "I like you too" Said Zach, smiling. "But I need to take a break from dating since I have been dating since being in LA. I don't particularly want to date just now but give me time and then maybe we can try" Said Bree. "I agree. I will wait for you" Said Zach. I stand up and pull him up. I hug him.

We go home and he comes in to watch movies.
I turn on my phone and see an article.


Yesterday thousands saw Brielle Smith turn down Ebens proposal and today is seeing hugging Zach and looking at him with a look of love

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Yesterday thousands saw Brielle Smith turn down Ebens proposal and today is seeing hugging Zach and looking at him with a look of love.

Was she cheating on Eben with Zach Herron?

Watch this space

I gasp and show Zach. I hear a bang on the door. I open it and Eben barges in. He goes to Zach and punches him. "How dare you cheat on me, Brielle!" Said Eben. Thea and Raine rush in. "No! I have not cheated on you." Said Bree. Thea walks in. "Eben, come on. Let's go get coffee" Said Thea. He nods and follows her.

Raine sighs and goes to the kitchen. "Here, he will need this" Said Raine. "Thanks" Said Zach. Raine smiles. "I'm gonna go to my room." Said Raine. "Oh! Raine! Me and Zach are going to Ireland. Visiting mum." Said Bree. Raine hugs me. "That's good. Zach watch over her" Said Raine. I roll my eyes. I hug her.

Next day

Ireland time!! I get up and find an outfit for today.

Ireland time!! I get up and find an outfit for today

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All pink apart from the shoes. I put my hair in a French braid  and no make up. I smile and go down. I have porridge and in walks Zach. "Hey your ready well eating" Said Zach. "Yeah." Said Bree, putting my bowl in the sink.

I grab my stuff and Raine drives us to the airport. We say bye and me and Zach check in. We go through security and then shopping. I buy some sweets to suck and then we have some snacks.

We eventually get in the plane and sit back. "I've been to Ireland before and that's where we wrote Cold In LA" Said Zach. "It is cold there" Said Bree. Zach smiles and looks into my eyes. "Yeah well some parts of America are cold" said Zach. "True" Said Bree.

We arrive and it's night time. We get our luggage and go find mum. I spot her and hug her. "Hey darling, you must be Zach! Nice to meet you" Said Mum. "You too, Mrs Smith" Said Zach. "It's soon to be Mrs Ryan!!" Said Mum. "Andrew proposed!" Said Bree. "Yeah! We are getting married in three months. Invitations have been sent! I'm so happy!" Said Mum. I hug her. We get in the car and she drives us home.

 We get in the car and she drives us home

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My room still looks the same. I jump on my bed and moan. Oh how I've missed you. "Zach, you can stay in the guest room next door. Do you want some food before bed? Andrew is going to McDonalds?" Asked Mum. We nod and mum smiles. "Bree the usual? What about you Zach?" Asked Mum. "Just a Big Mac meal, I'll give you money" Said Zach. "No I got it" Said Mum. They come back with food and we dig in. "Your mum is awesome" Said Zach. "She is, isn't she?" Said Bree. Zach finished and throws out our rubbish. "I'm going to go to bed" Smiled Zach. "Night, see you tomorrow" Said Bree. Zach hugs me. "Night, Bree" Said Zach. I get changed and slide into bed.

Today was good. It feels good to be home. I'm gonna show Zach everywhere in Dublin where some tourists don't go!!

Well their in Ireland and Eben punched Zach.... ouch.

I hope you enjoyed!!

Lorna xx

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