Hot Dogs and Hallways

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North had called Silas to come to Bob's diner. He needed help with a pipe that had burst in the kitchen. So I ended up driving him to the diner and going for a drive. 

I drove to the far side of Charleston where Scot was now living with his new team.
Of course being on the Blackbourne team is a privilege and a curse. His new teammates asked me a million questions about them. Then they found out I was close with the Toma team and new questions started flying. Unfortunately every time I thought of the Toma team I had very vivid mental images that I was praying to just forget. 

Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and made a very polite but quick exit.

The drive had been what I needed. Fast car, loud music, windows down and my only worry was where to turn. My head cleared, my body relaxed. 

I decided to stop at a little sandwich shop and grab a bite to eat. 

I thought today I'd just take it easy, and maybe take a break from the boys today. Treat myself. 

I went and got a bikini wax, leg wax, eyebrows threaded, and a facial. 
My body hair free felt like butter. 
The guys had all texted throughout the day, but soon realized I was taking a me day and left me alone. 

I grabbed some Chinese food on my way home and called it a night early. I did have school tomorrow after all. 

The next morning at school, all the guys gave me hugs and acted like I hadn't seen them in forever. Poor guys. I think it was good for them though, they all got to spend some time with each other. 

Silas, Luke, North and I had just turned down the last hall to get to the courtyard for lunch, and met up with Nathan. "Peanut! So tell us everything you did yesterday." 

I was fixing to tell him when in the hall a loud high pitched whistle rang out. The kind where you think your eardrums are going to melt. The whistle only lasted a few seconds, but everyone stopped, it was quiet for once in this packed hall. A clear loud voice rang out. "Do you know what this is? It's what it's like fucking Sang." A hot dog flew down the hallway. Then another. "She's so loose from fucking all those guys it's like a hot dog getting thrown down a hallway! You boyfriend stealing whore!" Another hot dog sailed through the air narrowly missing me. 

Kids in the hall started to laugh, at first a nervous giggling then full on laughing. Pointing to me. I was pissed. I turned and headed back towards the voice. There, in the middle of the hall, holding a half empty pack of hotdogs was Alison. 

I was losing it. I was so angry. North tried to grab me, but I darted out of his reach to get to Alison. 

I only had a few feet more to go. The bathroom door next to Alison slammed opened. Jade and some of her cheer squad stepped out. Jade raised her hand in the air and snapped. She pointed to Alison who was fixing to heave another hot dog.
I watched as the cheer squad grabbed Alison and shoved her against the hallway wall. They held her there with her face plastered to the wall. 

"Listen up Assholes. Sang is MY girl. You don't fuck with her. Ever. I have dirt on everyone, don't test me. Now fuck off, and forget this happened." Jade's voice carried through the hall.

People stopped laughing, put their heads down and got out of the hall as quick as possible. 

"Now bitch",  Jade stepped up to Alison. "I know you don't go to school here, so you don't know how this all works, but here, I'm the queen bitch. I say who gets fucked up and who gets left alone." Jade went to say something else, but was interrupted by Mr. Hendricks and a police officer.
"That's enough Jade." Mr. Hendricks said lightly touching Jades shoulder and pointing to the cop. 

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