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Precious UwU: Minseokie I made breakfast <3

Minseokie <3: Aww thank you baby, But you should get some rest, You've been working extremely hard and I'm worried for your health.

Precious UwU: Then you must have not met Jongin, I'm fine.

Minseokie <3: I mean it, I don't want you lifting a finger while I'm here.

Precious UwU: Fine, But you know I can't stay off my feet long.

Minseokie <3: Sigh... Why are you so much like me?

Nini UwU: Jongdae, you really should take a break though.

Precious UwU: Currently working on that, Even if I have no say so in it.

Demonsoo: Jongin, I need to talk to you.

Nini UwU: Y-Yes?

Demonsoo: I went through your stuff, I found a knee brace underneath your clothes, What are you hiding from me?

Nini UwU: .......

Nini UwU: That.... Isn't important.

Demonsoo: Oh really? Because after dance practice I see you limping, Jongin your hurt and need medical attention.

Nini UwU: I'm fine okay? Thank you for worrying about me, But really I'm fine.

Demonsoo: I am not having this, Your going to the doctor whether you like it or not.

Nini UwU: Fine, But I really am Fine.

Sehunnie: i can conform that jongin isn't okay.

Demonsoo: Explain.

Sehunnie: Jongin hit his knee really hard after falling straight down to his stomach, He said he was fine but then started to complain it hurt to walk and dance so I went and got him an knee brace, But I think he either shattered his knee or he fractured it.

Demonsoo: And your just telling this to me now?

Sehunnie: Jongin told me not to say anything to anyone... But I really couldn't betray him, I told Minseok that he was limping and what not but I didn't tell him what it was from.

Demonsoo: Jesus Christ Jongin, I'm taking you to the hospital right now.

Nini UwU: Why don't we just get our personal staff to help?

Demonsoo: Fine, But they are probably going to send us to the hospital.

Nini UwU: Whatever, Just come Shower me in kisses because my knee feels like it's dying inside and I can't move it fully.

Demonsoo: Oh I was going to shower you in kisses anyway.

Sehunnie: UwU

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