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Baekhyunie: My back and hips hurt, Channie can you come upstairs? I need cuddles and a heating pad :((

Channie: I'm coming sweetheart, I'll bring you something to eat while I'm downstairs.

Baekhyunie: Dont worry about that... I'm not hungry right now anyway.

Channie: Are you sure?

Baekhyunie: Yeah.... I think it's for the better if I don't eat right now anyway.

Channie: Byun Baekhyun, Are you on a extreme diet again? I will come force you to eat if you are.

Baekhyunie: No baby, My stomach just hurts and I feel like throwing up.

Channie: Baby you need to eat though, Eat something with salt on it, Or maybe drink some sprite, It usually helps.

Baekhyunie: Okay now you sound like my mom, Thank you mommy but I'll be fine.

Channie: Baekhyun I'm serious.

Baekhyunie: Oh really? Because I Obviously thought you were joking.

Channie: Baekhyun, Stop.

Baekhyunie: Actually no, I don't want to stop, I'm sick and tired of you telling me what to do! I'm not a child Chanyeol.

Channie: Well you act like one, Baekhyun i'm only trying to help you, If your so big then I'd like to see you take care of yourself for once.

Baekhyunie: I will take care of myself when I'm sick, If that's what you think I'll do it, I'm tired of everything Chanyeol, So so tired.

Channie: I know baby, I'm tired too, But we have to keep fighting, Remember when I nearly passed out on stage and you were the first one to check on me? That's when I knew I was in love with you, You were so genuine and gentle and caring that you made me feel better right on the spot, You made me feel more protective over you, I had something to fight for.

Baekhyunie: Channie...

Channie: Byun Baekhyun, I love you so fucking much, It Pains me to watch you hurt, Starve yourself, It pains me to see you in pain and not happy with yourself, It pains me to watch you cry everyday for some stupid hate comment, You act so careless in front of people but I hear you crying baekhyun.

Baekhyunie: Channie, I'm sorry, Im overly sensitive sometimes, My minds in a dark place, I don't feel like myself, I feel like giving up sometimes, I don't know what's wrong with me.

Channie: That's exactly what I'm saying baby, You need someone to talk to, To help you through this, I'm here for you Baekhyun, You just have to let me in.

Baekhyunie: Park Chanyeol, I love you so much, I'm sorry for making you hurt and feel bad for me, Channie I'll talk to you, I'll talk to our manager, Let's go away somewhere and have a vacation, Just you and me.

Channie: Good Baekhyun, I was only being stern with you because I love you, I love you so much I don't want you to fall into a dark hole, You could've hurt yourself baby... Im sorry I didn't notice sooner.

Baekhyunie: It's okay Channie, I'm just glad you noticed when you did.

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