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Chenniebear: Hey Guys What's up?

MarshmallowXiu: Hey baby

Baekhyunie: Chennie!!! Hug? :)

Channie: What's up Hyung! How've you been? :-)

Babypanda: Hey Guys, I'm in a good mood today how are you? uwu

Galaxydaddy: What's up everyone! I miss you all

Sehunnie: Lulu where are you?

XiLulu: Hey baby what's up? How've you been feeling?

Sehunnie: I'm fine thank you for asking <3

Sheepy lay: Hey Chen, How are you? You've been looking pretty tired recently...

Myeonnie: Yeah, Have you been getting enough rest?

SoftJongin: How's my hyungs doing today? And the dongsaengs!

Softsoo: hello I'm in a good mood today How is everyone?

Chenniebear: I'm fine guys, Just... Why is everyone asking?

MarshmallowXiu: Baby, Why have you been overworking yourself recently? I've seen you baby.

Chenniebear: Oh that.... Um I've just been trying my best to keep moving! I've been extra motivated this month so why not take the advantage?

MarshmallowXiu: Baby it's okay if your not okay, It's okay if your having problems, You have to tell me baby, What's going on?

Chenniebear: N-Nothing! Everything's okay.

Baekhyunie: Hyung please don't do that to yourself, I've gone through the same thing and it's not nice, If there is something wrong you need to talk to someone.

Chenniebear: Fine... Minseokie, There is something I've been needing to talk to you about, But I've been too scared and embarrassed to say anything.

MarshmallowXiu: What's wrong baby? You can tell me anything.

Chenniebear: I... Have been working because I want to lose weight in more ways then one, I've cut down my calories and food intake, I'll dance overtime, Plus I clean around the dorms because I have hunger cramps and cravings during my time so I don't want to eat so I just do anything to take my mind off it.

MarshmallowXiu: Baby please don't do that, Eat when your hungry, Stop when your not, Please don't starve yourself baby... Your perfect the way you are.

Chenniebear: Okay... I promise it won't happen again, I'm sorry to bug everyone and especially you Minseokie... I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again.

MarshmallowXiu: Babyboy your not bugging anyone, We just want to help you baby.

Chenniebear: M-Minseokie, How about we go out sometime? Maybe like a little date night again?

MarshmallowXiu: That would be amazing Chennie.

Chenniebear: O-Okay! I love you Minseokie... I really do.

MarshmallowXiu: I love you too Chennie, I love you so much baby.

MarshmallowXiu: Now, can you please promise me you won't starve yourself again?

Chenniebear: I promise I won't starve myself again.

MarshmallowXiu: Alright Baby, Let's Get you something in your tummy, Your probably starving.

Chenniebear: I am, It's got to the point where it hurts 24/7.

MarshmallowXiu: Alright, I'm cooking a feast.

Chenniebear: Minseokie...

Chenniebear: Thank you, for everything you do for me, and I'm sorry I just can't seem to except myself for the way I look... I'll do better and see myself in a positive way now.

MarshmallowXiu: I know baby, I know you will, and I'm proud your doing better.

Chenniebear: Minseokie, After I Eat can we cuddle? I've been particularly sore and I hurt all over.

MarshmallowXiu: Yes sweetheart, We can cuddle anytime you want.

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