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Myeonnie: Me and Yixing have a announcement.

Galaxydaddy: Uh-oh, He never really says Yixing that much. This is bad.

Babypanda: Shut Up kris, Stop being such a sarcastic douche :/

Galaxydaddy: I'll deal with you later, Right now we have to listen to this.

ComplainingBitch: me and Channie are listening

Bigassgiant: ^

Demonsoo: What is it Hyung?

SoftJongin: My name is getting old so after this I'll change it and yes Hyung?

MarshmallowXiu: Me and Chennie are listening

Chenniebear: I'm here!

NancyDrew: ^

XiLulu: ^

Sheepylay: Well... Me and Junmyeon are breaking up

SoftJongin: UM NOO NO NO NO NO



MarshmallowXiu: Why? Why are you guys breaking up? WE WERE SUPPOSED TO SEE THE WEDDING FIRST :((((

XiLulu: I don't understand. You guys are- WERE so in love... Why now after all the bad times?

Galaxydaddy: I'm actually concerned. Why would they break up out of the blue?

Babypanda: I'm with Kris, This can't be just a ordinary break up. Something must have happened.

Sheepylay: With all due respect, If you would listen to why we decided to break up, Maybe you could stop theoretically thinking for a second?

Babypanda: Good point.

Myeonnie: Me and Yixing Have decided to take a BREAK for awhile, We're still together but we will be away for eachother for until lay gets back... Which will be 6 months from now, He will be here for the comeback but he won't be on stage as often as we will. We are both stressed and just need some alone time as well. I'm sorry guys but the wedding will be postponed until next year.

Demonsoo: We understand Hyung. A lot of people have done this and still were a very healthy and strong couple. We understand how stressed relationships can be and you need a break every now and then. I understand. We will be with you every step of the way Hyungs.

Myeonnie: Thank you Kyungsoo. I'm going to go work on the new song along with Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

SoftJongin: Okay Hyung, We love you guys.

Sheepylay: We love you too jongin.

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