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Baekhyunie: Channie? Are you dead? Please answer me :(

Channie: Hey babyboy, No I'm not dead, Kyungsoo wasn't serious when he said that, He was just threatening me.

Baekhyunie: Good, Because I don't want my precious boyfriend to die :(

Channie: I'm here Baekie.

Baekhyunie: I need cuddles, I don't feel good today :(

Channie: My poor Baekie... I'm coming right up, We can even just watch a movie while we cuddle :)

Baekhyunie: That sounds like a great plan Channie! Can you bring me some icecream, popcorn, pickles, coke, and waffles please?

Channie: Yes baby..

Baekhyunie: Your the best! Thank you Channie <3

Channie: Oh stop... Your gonna make me blush >w<

Baekhyunie: Blush all you want, You look adorable when you blush uwu

Softsoo: Gross, Get a room you guys.

Baekhyunie: For your information, I am in my room and I do have a room, Thank you very much.

Softsoo: Oh really? Does that mean I can hit you with my shovel then?

Baekhyunie: why would you have a shovel....?

Softsoo: I think you forgot who I am... Did you forget I'm Satansoo?

Baekhyunie: I thought you were softsoo!

Softsoo: Nope, Not anymore, soft hours are over.

SoftJongin has changed softsoo's username to 'satansoo'

Baekhyunie: Wow jongin.

Satansoo: Thank you Jongin, Now I can officially curse Baekhyun with my meanness.

Baekhyunie: Please just leave and my boyfriend alone :(

Satansoo: Where's the fun in that?

Myeonnie: That's enough you two, I've had it with you guys bickering.

Sheepy lay: I think everyone needs to calm down, And apologize.

Satansoo: I don't want to apologize.

Myeonnie: Kyungsoo, Apologize.

Satansoo: No, I have nothing to apologize for.

Satansoo has left the group

SoftJongin: Great, Now to go comfort my boyfriend.

Myeonnie: What has gotten into these kids recently?

Sheepy lay: I don't know Myeonnie :(

Myeonnie: It's alright lay, I'll figure it out one day.

Sheepy lay: I just feel like a bad Hyung, They are always threatening eachother and fighting... On rare occasions they will be nice.

Myeonnie: I know sweetie, But they'll come around, We just have to be patient.

Sheepy lay: Okay Myeonnie, I trust you.

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