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Baekhyunie: Channie, Can you come upstairs? I... May have injured my thigh, It hurts and feels bruised.

Channie: What? Baekhyun, Why didn't you tell me? Do you need to see a doctor?

Baekhyunie: no! I'm fine, I just need you to come look at it and just give me some pain killers, Then I'll be all better.

Channie: Alright, I'm coming to look at it, But if I think you need to go the doctor I will drag you out myself.

Baekhyunie: Whatever you say daddy, I won't put up much a fight since it really really hurts.

Channie: I'm coming up right now, Are you laying down or?

Baekhyunie: I'm sitting on the side of the bed, I tried to get up but couldn't.

Myeonnie: My poor baby! Baekie I hope you feel better!

Baekhyunie: Thank you Eomma <3

Sheepy lay: Hope you get better soon!

MarshmallowXiu: What's wrong with Baekie?

Myeonnie: He hurt/bruised his thigh/leg, He can't move off the bed.

Chenniebear: Poor thing! Hope he feels better soon.

Satansoo: I may be Satansoo, but I even feel bad for what happened to Baekhyun, Hope you feel better.

Sehunnie: Get well Soon Baekhyun-Hyung!

SoftJongin: Get well Soon Baekhyunie! Poor boy :(

Baekhyunie: Thank you everyone, Channie is taking me to the hospital, My thigh has swelled up and is purple all around, But we're hoping for the better! Hopefully I can still dance.

Myeonnie: It doesn't matter if you can dance or not! You worry about getting better.

Baekhyunie: Okay, I'm getting off, The pain is becoming too much.

Sehunnie: Get better Hyung! I might even take off for a week just so we can play your favorite video games or your favorite movies!

Baekhyunie: Thank you Sehun.

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