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MarshmallowXiu: Guys, I have a question.

Sheepy lay: Hm?

Myeonnie: What's up Hyung?

MarshmallowXiu: When is the wedding? You guys have been engaged for awhile now.

Myeonnie: Well... Me and Yixing decided it would be best to wait for awhile before we got married.

MarshmallowXiu: Oh, I was just asking because I was curious.

Myeonnie: That's Fine, It's just best to ask if you want to know something.

Sheepy lay: Myeonnie, I have bad news...

Myeonnie: What's wrong baby?

Sheepy lay: Well... I have solo stuff I have to do in China for atleast 3-4 months, But I don't want to leave you or the group :(

Myeonnie: It's okay baby, Do what you have to do, We'll be fine right here.

Sheepy lay: Are you sure? I can call and reschedule-

Myeonnie: No baby it's fine, We aren't really doing anything important, Go ahead, We'll wait for you to get back :)

Sheepy lay: Okay... My flight leaves tomorrow at 3:00 pm, Can we just cuddle and spend time together until then? I'm going to miss you :(

Myeonnie: Yes Yixie, We can cuddle until then, Just Meet me in our room.

Sheepy lay: Okay :)

SoftJongin: Lay-Hyung is leaving for China? Awww I wish he could stay longer :(

Softsoo: Me too Jongin, Me too.

SoftJongin: Kyungsooie, Can we cuddle and maybe kiss for a little while? It's been awhile since we've cuddled because of our schedule.

Softsoo: Of course, I'm always open for your cuddles and kisses.

Chenniebear: Minseokie, What's our schedule for later?

MarshmallowXiu: We just really have a lot of meetings and classes, Nothing really much.

Chenniebear: Phew, That means I get to sleep for a little longer, I'm excited about that.

MarshmallowXiu: Me too Chennie, Me too.

Sehunnie: What's up guys? It's been while since I've been on...

MarshmallowXiu: Where Have you been Sehun? Did you go to luhans house or something?

Sehunnie: Actually we spent some time here in Seoul, He came a week ago and we've been spending time ever since.

XiLulu: I miss you Hunnie :(

Sehunnie: I miss you too Lulu :(

MarshmallowXiu: You Guys Are so in love it's actually sickening

Sehunnie: At least I'm not single anymore!

MarshmallowXiu: Tru

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