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Chenniebear: I-I'm tired :(

MarshmallowXiu: Get some sleep Chennie, I can take care of the rest of the schedule :)

Chenniebear: n-no. I won't let you do it by yourself. I-I'll try my best to help you!

MarshmallowXiu: No Chennie. I got this, You just rest.

Chenniebear: B-But...

MarshmallowXiu: No buts. Just get some sleep for me okay? I'll promise to not overwork sweetheart <3

Chenniebear: O-Okay. But you wake me up if you need anything Okay?

MarshmallowXiu: I will. Now go get some sleep. I'll take care of the rest of the stuff on the schedule.

Chenniebear: Thank you Minseokie, I-I really Thank you.

MarshmallowXiu: No need to thank me. Go to sleep.

SoftJongin: What's wrong with Chennie-Hyung? :(

MarshmallowXiu: He's just tired. He's been going full force on this schedule and he's exhausted.

SoftJongin: Aww :( I hope he feels better!

MarshmallowXiu: Me too Jongin, Me too. I hate seeing him exhausted like this.

Myeonnie: We all do. So let's just hope he won't stress himself out too much.

Sheepy lay: Y-Yeah! Hopefully he won't.

Softsoo: Even I hope Chen-Hyung feels better. I don't like seeing my other members sick. I just like to be mean and play around.

Baekhyunie: Maybe we should all plan something special?

Channie: Yeah! Maybe like a get better soon party?

MarshmallowXiu: That would be amazing.

Channie: Then it's settled! We're having a party for Chen-Hyung!

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