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Babypanda: Daddy~~~ I need you :(

Galaxydaddy: You need me? What do you need me for?

Babypanda: I need your touch, touch me everywhere, Please~

Myeonnie: And I thought you were innocent Tao :(

Babypanda: You thought I was innocent? Maybe like 7 years ago, But have you ever been around kris? Like, It's hard not to be corrupted.

Galaxydaddy: Why you gotta expose me like that? Hmmph.

Myeonnie: Kris, I expected higher of you, Why must you corrupt my baby Tao? HE WAS SO INNOCENT.

Galaxydaddy: If you really think of it, No one in this world is innocent anymore, Everyone goes through that one stage in life.

Myeonnie: You have a point... But I don't want you to have a point.

Galaxydaddy: :)

Sheepy lay: Myeonnie~ Can you come to our room? I need your help with something...

Myeonnie: Do you now? Well, I guess I should be going, My baby boy always comes first~

Sheepy lay: Thank you Myeonnie~

Galaxydaddy: Looks like someone is spoiled rotten.

Babypanda: You Have no room to talk, You spoil me every Friday with Gucci.

Galaxydaddy: Your right.

Baekhyunie: Chanyeol, You better get your ass in this Groupchat.

Channie: Excuse me?

Baekhyunie: Ugh Fine, Daddy can you please get your ass in the Groupchat?~

Channie: Much better. What did you need love?

Baekhyunie: I wanted cuddles, I'm hurting right now and I feel like I'm gonna puke, I just need a cold washcloth and need you :(

Channie: I'm sorry baby, I'm coming.

Baekhyunie: Thank you Channie~

Galaxydaddy: Did they even address that we're here? Or were they just ignoring us?

Babypanda: I have no clue, But when are you coming over? I have some plans for us later on.

Galaxydaddy: I'll be over in 30 minutes, I have to get my present for you ready.

Babypanda: Can't Wait to see what it is ;)

Sehunnie: Lulu, Can you come here?

XiLulu: What's wrong Sehunnie? Do you need cuddles? A massage?

Sehunnie: I need you to come back to Korea and cuddle me, I don't care how long it takes you to get here, Hell I'll even come to you if I have to.

XiLulu: You stay put, I'm coming don't worry! Just gotta get a plane ticket and I'll be there no sooner then three hours! I love you Sehunnie~

Sehunnie: I love you too Lulu~

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