Chapter 1

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Hi! My name is Michelle, but everyone calls me Michie or Mich. I'm 18 years old and I love horses! Anyway my mom, dad and I spent the summer vacation in wonderful AUSTRALIA! Here's how it went down.

Michie's P.O.V

"We're going to Australia!", my dad announced. My mom sat there with her mouth wide open whilst I jumped on my dad thanking him. "You're gonna make me fall!", my dad said in his Southern accent. "Sorry dad.", I said getting off him. My mom got up,her mouth still agape, "Charles, this is amazing but how are we going to afford it?" "My manager said that I've been working extra hard in the airport and said I deserved a holiday. He gave me a brochure to a resort in Australia and told me everything was already paid for." Now it was my mom's turn to jump in my dad, well not jump but hug VERY tight. "Thank you so much Charles, now Michie's summer won't be so boring." my mom said looking at me. "Michie, there's an extra surprise for you.", my dad said. "What is it?", I asked very curious. "

You know Jasmine's dad works with me, right?"


"Well our boss gave him the same vacation and now you get to go on vacation with your best friend!"

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! TELL YOUR BOSS I SAID THANK YOU!" I said as I was racing out the door to go to Jasmine's house that was just down the block. Before I could open the door, Jasmine opened it! "WE'RE GOING TO AUSTRALIA TOGETHER!", we screamed together. "That was weird, we said that at the same time." Jasmine said , still with a massive grin in her face. "Well we've been friends since kindergarten, telepathy might happen. We're legit sisters." I told her laughing. "I'm so excited, cause we're going to a...5SOS CONCERT!!"


"Why aren't you happy Michie?"

"I don't really like them, especially Luke Hemmings."

"C'mon, he's the cutest."

"Nah, I actually prefer Calum."

"Fine, but that's your opinion. Anyway since they're on tour with One direction you can cover your ears and look like a fool during 5 Seconds of Summer's performance and listen to 1D."


"Mich, you have a twitter account why don't you use it to stalk your favorite celebs? That's what I use mine for."

I looked at Jasmine funny and dragged her inside.

*Some time later*

Jasmine and I were sitting on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars and eating potato chips.

"Michie, do you ever hope you lived somewhere besides this little rubbish state Louisiana?",Jasmine said in her lovely British mixed with western accent. That's how she stole my crush, that little devilish accent...


"Sorry Jasmine I was just day dreaming. What's the question?"

"Do you ever wished you lived somewhere else?"

"Ya, I guess. I wish I lived in Houston."


"Dunno, just want to."

" I want to go back to England. I never really got to live there. After pre- school my dad got a job transfer to Louisiana."

"Why are we talking about this?"

"Dunno, just wanted to bring it up."

There was a knock at the door, and Jasmine got up to answer it.

"Mich, it's your mom. You have to go pack."

"Kk, I'll be there in a sec.", I said as I grabbed my hoodie,beanie and purse. My mom was in her jogging outfit which meant she had just finished jogging and came round to pick me up.

"Let's go sweetie. Do you have everything?"

"Yes mom let's go." I swear, moms can be SO annoying sometimes.

"Thanks for having Michelle over Jasmine. Tell your mom I said hi!"

"I will Mrs. Matthews. Bye!"

My mom and I were walking home when she exclaimed, "Race ya!", and started running. I chased after her my brown hair in my face, my necklace choking me and my purse jangling. I beat my mom to the door and by the time she got there she was out of breath already! I sighed, patted her back, took out the key and opened the door. My dad was there watching TV and eating McDonald's.

"You went to McDonald's without me!", I said pouting.

"Well you women are always on a diet so I assumed, why not.", he said grinning. I rolled my eyes and ran to my room. I yanked open my top closet and pulled out my suitcase. I then opened the lower one and started dumping clothes everywhere. Time to pack.

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