Chapter 12

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I was just laying on my hospital bed watching TV waiting for my parents to come. It had been a week and once they got the news they decided to come immediately. I wasn't really paying attention to the TV, I was just thinking of what I was going to tell my dad. Suddenly, the door burst open.
"Oh Michie! I've missed you!"
My mom threw herself on me and squeezed me till I couldn't breathe. My dad was behind her with fury and anger in his eyes, although I could see a hint of disappointment.
"Michelle Ruby Matthews, what were you thinking?!"
My dad was pacing back and forth yelling at me. Of course he'd never hurt me physically. My mom had left the room and now I wished she hadn't.
"Sweetie, I know it may seem like I'm really angry at you and that I'd hate you forever, but trust me I'm your father I'm just trying to protect me. Yes I am definitely angry, but I understand what you're going through. Blind love."
This isn't blind love at all, Luke loves me and I love him. How much harder could it be?
"When I started dating your mother, I was quite the rebel too. I would sneak out almost every night with her on dates. One time whilst sneaking out my window, I fell down and was unconscious. When I woke up in the hospital your mother was screaming at the doctors telling them to stop blabbing and actually try to help me."
He chuckled.
"Remember it like yesterday. Anyways my point is that love hurts sometimes and has consequences. I'm sure you love this Luke guy very much sweetie, but you do do realize I'm going to have to punish you. I mean what were you thinking, driving around with a half-sober man?"
"Wait what?"
"They didn't tell you. The driver died and they decided to so some blood tests for no good reason. That found traces of alcohol in his blood."
Woah, I'd didn't know that.
How bad could punishment be?
"You can't see him for one week."
My eyes widened and I felt like crying.
"Daddy, no!"
"Yes sweetie. I'm sorry."
I hadn't recovered fully so each day Luke would come and say how sorry he was and he'd kiss me all over and told me it would get better. He gave me roses and teddy bears sometimes. He was genuinely sorry. One week without that, I don't think I'd survive.
"Now a good thing comes along with this punishment."
I glared at him.
"Wipe that frown off your face young missy. Okay, since you like this Luke person so much I've decided that I'll get to know him a bit better and maybe we could figure something..."
"Thank you so much daddy!"
We hugged and my mom stepped back in.
Now it was time for mom to cry all over me and tell me she loved me. Well at least that's what I expected.
"Mich, I'm quite disappointed,but I understand you're growing up and deserve more independence. I'll give this Luke guy a chance, but if he screws up, he's dead."
I was surprised cause my mom usually bawls over me. I remember when I was five and fell off my scooter, she nearly called an ambulance.
I was happy that my parents were willing to give Luke a chance though. I was so angry that they were keeping him away from me for one week though. Oh well, life has its ups and downs.
I smiled at my mom.
We hugged and that was it.
Then Luke entered and we said our goodbyes until next week.
"Bye boo."
We hugged. We managed to sneak a kiss when my parents weren't looking. He smiled at me and left.
I just realized something.
I can't wait a week for Luke. He's like my other half. Not best friend wise, that's Jasmine. When he's around I smile and giggle more than anything. He makes me smile 24/7 and he's just so... Unique. Luke is indescribable and amazing.
I NEED him.
Sort of a hanger there! I'm probably going to update once or twice a week. I'll try thrice! PLEASE SUGGEST STUFF FOR ME! I'm having to think too much about the story, you guys are the readers you should help too! Thank you guys so much for nearly 100 reads! You're actually enjoying this book? I guess I'm better than I thought.
Love you❤️

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