Chapter 7

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Jasmine's P.O.V
Mich was on the floor, she'd fainted. I dropped the knife and went to her rescue. I shook her shoulders.
"Michie! Wake up!"
No response.
No, this can't be happening.
Finally she jolted up and looked at me in horror. She crawled up and shimmied herself to the curtain. She clung to it and looked at me, about to cry. Could you ever imagine your best friend looking horrified at you, them being afraid of you? That's what was happening at the minute. Her eyes were blank. No shimmer in them like always.
"Michie, I can explain."
She looked harder at me and it was like she was staring in my soul.
"Jasmine, h-how could you do this to yourself?"
She crept next to me and lifted up my arm and started looking at the cuts in awe. I started crying immediately.
"It's ok Jas. I'm here."
She was rocking me back and forth like a baby and comforting me. I was crying like a fountain.
"Tell me everything from beginning to end."
*Flash back*
I was lying on my bed playing a game and waiting for Michie to come back. Suddenly Josh called, I smiled and answered it.
"Hey babe!"
"Hi Jasmine. I really need to talk to you."
"Look, I know you're moving to Australia and all and we want a long distance relationship.... I just don't think you'll still want one after I tell you this. Jas, I've been ch-cheating on y-you."
He was nearly crying.
"You heard me right. I cheated on you. I've been clubbing a lot since you went on vacation. I met this really cool girl. I told her I was single and went on a few dates with her. She's amazing. I just think I have stronger feelings towards her. I'm so sorry."
My heart was throbbing.
I was breathing heavily and felt like dying. I swear I nearly fainted. I took my phone off my ear and ended the call. I wanted to throw my phone across the floor. I wanted to jab a knife through my heart. Despite my heavy breathing and going crazy, I was actually rational. I didn't go completely crazy. I just cried, really hard. I felt like I was crying all the water I had drank in my lifetime. I felt angry, mad, betrayed and so worthless. My next solution was cutting. I grabbed the hotel knife and started at my arm. My make up streaming down my face and my hand all bloody, I looked like a pure mess. I just sobbed and sobbed. Then Michie walked through the door and fainted. Oh no.
*End of flash back*
"Wow." Michie was wide eyed staring at the floor.
"Do you cut yourself regularly?" I shook my head.
"Are you sure , Jas?"
I nodded. I knew she felt betrayed and would never trust me again.
"I think it's time for our second session of confession." In second grade Michie and I swore to be BFF's forever and tell each other every one of our secrets. We called it confession session. After that we cut our fingers and shared blood, we were blood sisters for life.
"You still remember confession session?"
"Of course I do. And we're having another session no matter what." We giggled.
"Michie you're the best."
"I know."
We giggled and hugged each other. Ok, time to fess up.
SO sorry if anyone finds this offensive. I can change it if you want. You guys are my readers, I am the author. I'm supposed to give you guys stories you enjoy, not feel offended by. Anything you want changed? I'll change it.

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