Chapter 15

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As my eyes opened I realized I wasn't in my hospital room. I rolled my head to the right. My sight was blurry, but I managed to read out a sign that said "X-Ray Room." Why was I in the X-Ray room? I already had casts everywhere that needed to be patched up. Suddenly, the door opened.
"Good Morning Ms. Matthews."
Ugh, why do doctors have to be so formal? I'm Michie, not Ms. Matthews.
"I hope you're feeling better. We took you to the X-Ray room to make sure everything was okay and it is. We will have to make you sleep again cause we're taking off your casts."
"What day is is?", I managed to mumble.
Wow. I slept for 2 days. Must have been a pill they mixed in my water. I knew I shouldn't have trusted that nurse.
I suddenly felt something sharp on my skin. A needle. I was about to scream, but before I could my eyes closed.
Luke P.O.V
I kept calling Michie, but she wouldn't answer. Maybe she was sleeping. She was leaving the clinic today, YAY! I was currently on my way to a restaurant to meet Michie's parents. I was so nervous. I opened the door of the fancy French place. I looked and finally spotted Michie's parents. Michie's mom waved at me, but her dad gave a deadly glare. I smiled and made my way to their table. Here we go.

"What do you do?"
"I'm in a band."
"What are they called?"
"5 Seconds of Summer."
Once I said that Michie's dad's mouth dropped open.
"My daughter met you at your own concert."
"Well it was actually at the meet and greet."
We were quiet for a while and it got a bit awkward. Finally the food arrived and we ate and chatted. We were getting along well.
"Have you two gone out before?"
"Um, well we've been to McDonald's but that's all."
Michie's dad just frowned.
"Sweetie, I need to talk to you for a bit."
Mr. and Mrs. Matthews got up and went to a corner. I knew they were talking about me because they kept trying to sneak glances at me. Every time I caught their eye I would just smile. I munched on my spaghetti and meatballs and waited for them. I know what you're thinking, what kind of French restaurant serves spaghetti and meatballs? Well this one does.
When the 'rents finished talking they sat back down. For the rest of the meal there were just awkward smiles and slight crunching cause Mr. Matthews was eating snails. Yuck.
When we finished eating more questions were asked.
"What made you fall in love with our little Michie?"
That was easy.
"Well for one thing she's the most beautiful human I have ever laid my eyes on. I love the way her emerald eyes sparkle when she's excited, I love it when she smiles and the fact she only has one dimple. Her giddy personality, her long brown hair, her blushing and shyness, when she stutters when she's nervous and of course her amazing parents."
By the end of my mini speech Michie's mom was awing like she'd just seen the cutest kitten ever and Michie's dad was clearly touched. Although I knew he thought I was buttering him up, he loved my speech.
After a while the bill came round and I insisted on paying. I finally gave up and let Mr. Matthews pay. We all got and made our way out.
"Well it was nice meeting you Luke. See you!"
"Thanks Mrs. Matthews."
"Nonsense, call me Samantha."
"Well thank you again, Samantha."
Michie's dad just waved at me and we went our separate ways. I know they hadn't said yes yet, but Samantha said "see you". That means I'm gonna see her again which means it's a yes. Right?
Luke met Michie's parents! Of course they're gonna date, as if that isn't obvious. SPOILER! Anyway thanks for 255 reads. You guys rock!
I don't think I'm gonna put a cast list. I want you to use your own imagination to imagine Michie and Jasmine. Even their parents!
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