Chapter XVI: Friendship?

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Taehyung was quietly sitting at the middle of his huge cage, facing his back on the keyhole.

"Yoongi!," There were desperate screams. "I just want to talk, Yoongi- hey, wait, wait!,"

The guards opened the cage door, threw Jungkook in, and locked it again.

"Please, I just want to talk to Yoongi!," Jungkook cried desperately, gripping at the cage bars.

He... could not become smoke for some reasons.

"D'you remember when Min Yoongi injected a fluid in you?," Demetrius asked, plopping down on a chair. He gestured the other guards to go out and they obeyed.

"He...did?," Jungkook asked, looking for the injected area.

"You probably didn't feel it." Demetrius said. Then he smiled, smugly. "That's how awesome Professor Yoongi is."

Jungkook's knees wobbled and he fell on his knees with a loud thud.

I'm an idiot for coming here in the first place.

Demetrius stood up and walked out. There was a loud cough from behind Jungkook. He whipped around and found Taehyung, just looking at him.

"You're an idiot, Jungkook." Taehyung snapped, looking away. "You could have avoided trouble if you didn't come."

"Does it matter, Taehyung?," Jungkook shot back, his eyes wide with fury. He clenched his fists and was trembling with agitation. "We're gonna get out of here, whether you like it or not!,"

"Like you can fo-"

"Shut up!," Jungkook interrupted. Taehyung obliged, and both of them were sitting in silence.

The door opened and permitted Yoongi to come in. He was accompanied by your father and Adam.

Jungkook's fist clenched once more, his knuckles turning white.

"You guys have to stay put here, or you'll be put down." Yoongi said, clicking his pen on his clipboard.

"And why should we listen to someone with the likes of you?," Taehyung asked rather rudely, glaring at Yoongi, who was humming a low tune.

"Because if not, you're gonna be executed in front of other gemischts for causing a rebellion and attempting to stir some trouble." Adam said, snickering in a way similar to Yoongi. Mr. Kang was silent, clearly lost in his thoughts.

"You're insane, Min Yoongi." Taehyung grinned. "I like how you think."

Jungkook whipped around and stared at Taehyung in surprise.

What the hell is he doing?!

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and bit his lower lip.

"Taehyung, not you too!," Jungkook exclaimed, scrambling to Taehyung, who recoiled. Taehyung looked at Yoongi straight in the eyes.

"Come on, Min Yoongi, put us down for inciting a riot." Taehyung taunted. "After all, you can't reform me, Kim Taehyung."

Yoongi snarled and stormed out of the room. Taken by surprise, Mr. Kang and Adam follow him immediately.

Jungkook turned to look at Taehyung in the eyes. Jungkook hit Taehyung in the face, in which Taehyung responded to by falling on his back.

"Jungkook, what-"

"We're getting out of here, aren't we?," Jungkook yelled. "So stop giving them ideas on how to kill you!,"

Taehyung remained silent.

"You're right." Taehyung said, then grinned, showing pearly white teeth. "How about we give them a taste of their own medicine, Jungkook?,"

Jungkook beamed and nodded.

He breathed in and concentrated. He imagined that he was gasoline, and his anger was a lit match. He allowed the match to fall on him and catch fire.

Then he opened his eyes, and there were green streaks on his body. Taehyung had black streaks in his body. Taehyung grabbed hold of two bars and yanked it apart, making a small passageway for them to pass through.

Jungkook kicked open the door and smiled at Taehyung, who smiled back.

Demetrius, along with two guards named Ashe and Seugil, ran towards them, holding guns.

They fired in different directions, but all the bullets seemed to miss the pair, who were running as fast as their tired legs could take them.

"Stop them!," Demetrius shrieked. He was no longer the Demetrius who flinched when Jungkook came near him. He was now a ruthless person, with the intent to kill.

"Shoot them, no matter what!," Demetrius shouted, and gun shots were heard once more.

"Taehyung, I'm almost out of stamina!," Jungkook said, making a cloud cushion and rode on it while redirecting the bullets that came near them. Taehyung took long to hop on, and bullets started to sting Jungkook's skin as he helped Taehyung on.

Jungkook's cloud only lasted half a minute, however, considering how tired he was. Unlike Jungkook, Taehyung had lots of stamina.

By the time they arrived outside of the main building, there were reinforcements already.

Taehyung clicked his tongue as he made twisted hand gestures. Several men screamed in agony as their body parts moved without their consent. There were several gunshots, several begging men, and several screams. Then there was silence.

Taehyung helped Jungkook up, and they both limped towards the exit.

But there was someone guarding it.

A familiar figure, with black hair that covers his left eye, was standing there, fiddling with weird-smelling fluids placed in a beaker.

Yoongi looked up and grinned.

"Took you morons long enough." Yoongi said, then threw the liquid at the gate, which immediately melted.

Yoongi tiptoed, then looked at Taehyung and Jungkook with a smile across his face. "Well, come on, then. Are we going to go save Namjoon or just stare at the void for a bit?,"

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other, then at Yoongi, whose hands were outstretched.

Jungkook smiled then grabbed on one of his hands then tiptoed out as well. Taehyung was more hesitant, however, albeit he then grabbed hold of Yoongi's arms and joined Jungkook at the other side.

They all breathed in and smiled. "Ah, I miss the smell of despair." Taehyung joked, then coughed. Jungkook shot him a look.

"Taehyung, did you seriously just joke?," Jungkook asked, teasingly. Taehyung hit his head, and Jungkook winced in pain.

Jungkook, with the last amount of stamina he had, produced a thick cloud which they can sit on just fine.

Yoongi hopped on first, then Jungkook, then Taehyung.

"Let's go and save our friend." Yoongi said, gesturing for Jungkook to move.

author's note

Aaayyy, so the update was delayed for 4 minutes, I'm sorry ^^

Anyways, what do you think they'd do in the next chapter? Would they beat Namjoon sometime in this period, or would it take them longer?

I'll see you in the next chapter! Stay tuned!

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