black and blue

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3 years later

"Alriiiight, Breakfast time!" Sonic happily said holding a bag of catfood and running up to Shadow's container.

The black hedgehog knew the sound of that, having those words yelled every morning got him to understand it meant food and food was epic. Shadow scurried out of his small den that was really just a small plastic toy house Sonic got him at Petco and ran to the front of the glass pushing his small paws on the container.

"Well aren't you a little eager." Sonic giggled. He scooped up a little bit of the food with the scooper it came along with and dumped it into the small bowl making Shadow run up to eat and begin munching.

"Oh you're welcome Shadz." Shadow liked that nickname, he liked the voice of his owner, how he fed him every morning and talked to him like he would to his friends, Sonic was just so nice to him what wasn't there to like? His ears flickered and he raised his small hedgie head as if saying 'thanks' before digging his head into his food and continue eating.

Sonic chuckled and set the bag down. Sticking his hand in and and scratching the back of his ear with his finger. Shadow liked being touched there, it made him purr and stop his mouth movements and instead lay his head into the bowl making Sonic laugh.

It was his morning routine, get petted as he ate before he left for work. He'd hated if the cycle was broken.

As Sonic did this for another minute, his best friend and possible crush Amy Rose came running in distressed but looking at how happy Sonic looked as he tended his pet made her "aww" before she shook that away remembering why she was here.

"Listen, i'd hate to inturupt but Eggman's made a killer icecream truck that plays death metal instead of nursery rhymes and the icecream scoops are bombs!" Amy yelled. "You gotta come before Knuckles buys one and he's a big death metal fan!"

Shadow frowned, he knew Amy and every time she came in that meant Sonic had to leave and he didn't like that.

"Aw shoot! I gotta go but i'll be back to play lil buddy" Sonic assured petting him one more time before taking his hand out and turning to his friend. "Alright, let's roll!"

Shadow liked when Sonic ran, he was fast and free spirted but when he ran away he seriously didn't like that. It was only for a few hours but sometimes it felt like a few days. He wished he could talk and tell him to stay a little or be able to pet the back of his quills, that always calmed him and made him stay.

Since there was nothing to do and he wasn't in the mood to play with his hamster wheel, he walked into his little home and fell asleep.

my pet hedgehog//sonadowWhere stories live. Discover now