Chapter 6

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Someone has pointed out that my story is familiar with "Replaced" (

Allow me to clarify. I have read extensively throughout AO3 on "Little" stories and pieces of my work are inspired by various writers. So probably the reason why some of you may find the familiarity.

I agree that the concept seems similar, such that it is going towards the same direction as "Jungkook losing the trust in others and they have to earn it back" but I also assure that it's different as well. Hence the reason I've indicated in my first chapter that mine follows a cliche story plot.

Just to reassure, my story will eventually touch on the concept baby space, in case you have yet to notice the tags. :)

What got me interested in Little space AU was after reading the stories stated below. If you have not read it, please do so! They are super awesome!

lover not a fighter, but i'll fight for what i love (completed)

ain't nobody taking my baby (completed)

Yoongi Little Space (on-going)

Selection Day (on-going)

Ankle-biter (discontinued)

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