Spoiled [1]

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Kim Taehyung is a rich spoiled guy. When someone did not do what he said, he would throw tantrum when he was a kid.

Up until now, he's still that spoiled ass. His parents give him anything he wants.

"Namjoon hyung!" He shouted while eating the ice cream and watching his favortie netflix series.

"Yes Taehyung?" Namjoon, his butler appeared.

"What time are we going to the school?" He asked, still not looking at his butler.

"Well 10 minutes and you're already late." Namjoon sighed.

Taehyung, as an unbothered queen. Just stood up and smiled at namjoon going upstairs, calmly.


Namjoon waited like the whole hour. He knows Taehyung, he'd been working with them everysince he was little. Namjoon's father worked with them as Namjoon stayed here. So practically, they're family.

"Let's go hyungie!" Taehyung appeared from downstairs, wearing his favorite skirt and the crop top.

"You look very pretty today, Taehyungie." Namjoon complemented the younger.

"Aren't I always?" Taehyung smirked as they both go to the car.


"First day of classes, Kim Taehyung, and you're already late." Taehyung just mentally rolled his eyes and smiled fakely at the professor.

"Well, I got jet lagged. We went to the los angeles and came home yesterday midnight." Taehyung shrugged as the professor just sighed at him and proceed.

"Taehyung, come seat here!" The girls gushed about him. He smiled fakely at them and just shake his head.

He saw his best friend at the end of the class and sit next to him.

"Bitch, looking so pretty as ever." His friend, Park Jimin, complemented him.

"And you're not? Bitch, you're god tier." Taehyung said to his best friend, who's wearing a baby blue skirt and a crop top.

"So any new here?" Taehyung pulled out two lollipops, as he gave one to Jimin.

"Yup, very goth, if you ask me." Jimin said, putting the lollipop into his mouth.

"A boy or a girl?" Taehyung smirked.

"Oh, you and your ways. The new student is a boy." Jimin giggled.

"Oh... Might as well introduce myself to him later." Taehyung giggled too as Jimin just shaked his head.

"You know what he told us when he's introducing his self? He said and I quote 'I'm not that bad, but if you ever hit me up, I will seriously ignore you for the whole year'." Jimin said.

"Hmm... I guess I'll just introduce myself to him." Taehyung sighed.


"Hey gothy boy!" Taehyung shouted, running towards the new student. But goth boy kept on walking.

"Ugh! Gothy boy!" The new student stopped on his tracks as he looked back. He saw the boy with a baby pink skirt running towards him.

"Hey! I'm Kim Taehyung! Nice to meet you!" The jolly action jumped out. Taehyung smiled at him wide.

"Uh... Hi." The goth boy said.

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