The Blood Of Lavender

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"Get away from her!" I hear someone bark as I release another wave of pain, my head pounding with agony as I roll on the cold ground.

Something dark was covering my eyes, but I could still hear the agonized screams as my infliction reached them.

Where am I?

Where's Jungkook?

I want Jungkook.

Another painful scream rips from my throat as I send out another burst of power, trying to reach the blindfold on my eyes without going into seizures.

This hurts.

Much more than before.

Finally, the pain becomes too much and I have to stop. My body shivers by itself as I hear muffled curses, the ground tilting underneath my feet.

I want Jungkook.

"Someone put her down!" I hear the same voice yell as I force myself to prepare another wave.

Then everything grows black.


The world spins into two balls of light.

I groan and blink as my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness, and my entire face feels cold as something sticks wet against my cheeks.

My hair.

I'm soaked— and when I look up, I meet a pair of beady eyes that stare at me like I'm a trophy instead of a vampire.

Crazed admiration.

My body feels weaker than ever.

"You do realize that you put half of my men in bed, little fighter?" He laughs gleefully when I gasp to find my breath. There's something holding my hands back.

"Amazing ability— it's just too bad it's enough to send you to bed as well, isn't it?"

You're going down too, you ugly psychopath.

But when my eyes blaze cyan, my mouth drops in horror when I realize that I can't feel my Gift. I can't grip it— I can't even sense it.

Something's blocking me from having it.

"You won't be able to use your Gift," He shrugs, and I stare daggers into his eyes as he smiles. "But I'm so excited to see it again. It's absolutely beautiful."

I blanch.

My mind runs wild as I worry for the others— were they safe? Were they going through the same thing as me? How did he manage to snatch me right out from under seven vampires' watch?

Jimin hadn't even been able to smell them coming.

"You ran me out of business," He chuckles darkly as he crosses his arms together. "You and your friends. You're just the first, darling, so don't—"

Then his phone rings, and he looks annoyed as he answers it.


My friends.

Did he already have them, too?

"Well, this is a bit off plan," He says lightly as he tucks his phone back in his pocket. "But it'll be more fun, I guess. What lovely abilities."

"If you keep this going," He winks. "I'm not going to have any more men left."


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