Its wednesday my dudes.

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Just a quick authors note. I'm really bad at coming up with names for chapters so.. sorry for that. Also, there will be a vine at the top of every chapter. Some chapters might just be the name of the vine so... yea. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

(Peter's POV)

"Ok listen up class. This class had the highest average on our exams this year!!! Congrats class" Mr.Bob said. (First name I thought of. Sorry lol) Of course Ned, MJ, and I knew it was because all three of us scored a perfect score on the test. I mean. Tony Stark being my dad and all we expected it cause he has helped us study for that exam for the past 2 months. They normally have a pizza party or something similar to that for a prize. I wonder what it will be for this year.
"Now, as you all know, we normally reward the class with the highest average.  Well, this year I was able to talk them into letting us go on a field trip!" Mr.Bob screamed as everyone started jumping and screaming with excitement. All except, yep you guessed it, MJ.  "It is a surprise field trip so you won't know where it is until we get there. After the bell rings everyone needs to come and get a permission slip for your parents to sign." Everyone was talking about where we might go for the field trip until the bell rang. Everyone ran to get a permission slip while MJ and I were the last ones.
"Mr. Parker. I need to speak with you before you leave." I looked over at MJ and lipped to her "I'll meet you outside." She nodded and headed out. Since it was the end of the day I was driving MJ back to avengers tower for us to have a date night. I turned back to Mr.Bob.
"Peter I'm sorry to tell you this but, you have to many absences so you can't go on the field trip." I couldn't believe it. Field trips at this school were about as rare as Flash being nice to me.
"But Mr.Bob. We rarely get field trips. That is so unfair!" I practically whined
"I'm sorry Peter I don't make the rules. I just enforce them. Now go. Your girlfriend is out there waiting for you." I said goodbye and left the classroom to meet MJ outside.
"What did he have to talked to you about?" She asked me.
"I'm not allowed to go in the field trip because I've had to many absences. I'm so sorry MJ." I said to her feeling really bad I couldn't go on my first field trip with my girlfriend.
"Hey. It's fine Peter. I'll be fine. You save the world everyday. I'm not mad that you can't go. Besides. It probably somewhere dangerous or boring again." She said to me. "Yea your probably right. I'm just going to ask dad if I can stay home tomorrow. I'm sure he'll say yes." I said as we hopped into my really old Jeep that I forced my dad to buy so it didn't seem like I was rich. I pulled out of the school and drove to Stark tower. Once we got there we went up to the penthouse. I was silently hoping that none of the avengers were up there. They love to embarrass the frog out of me. (Yes I did that on purpose. If you don't understand that then you are not a Tom Holland fan. Also I'm about to start writing in Russian for Nat and Peter but I will have the English translation in Italics.) We get up to the penthouse to find Nat sitting on the couch reading a book in Russian. She looked up and smiled at us. "Привет мой маленький паук" "hello my little spider" Nat said as she looked at me. "Эй тетя Нэт" "Hey auntie Nat" I said back to her. "Эй Мдж" "Hey MJ" She said to MJ. She taught MJ and Ned Russian as well because MJ wanted to learn the language and Ned would just do anything to hang out with black widow.
"Эй Нэт" "Hi Nat" MJ said back.
"MJ and I are going to watch a movie in here if you don't mind." I said
"Why don't you go in your room?" She asked me
"Because Uncle Clint will lock us in my room again and you remember how mad dad got. I'm not letting that happen again." I said laughing
"Ok. Although that was pretty funny. Tony stuck it to him." Nat said laughing as I well. She left the room and MJ sat on the couch while I found some movies for us the watch. We ended up watching all of the Harry Potter movies while we sat and cuddled on the couch. Clint came to join us during the 3rd movie but, we didn't mind. Once all the movies were done we decided to go to bed. MJ has her own room here since she stays over so much. We got up off the couch and I walked her to her room. We stood in front of the door talking for a while. "Goodnight MJ" I said as I kissed her. "Ewww gross." We heard. We pulled apart and looked to find Morgan and Clint. Clint was the one who talked. Morgan was just smiling. Clint looked horrified. "Well. Morgan wanted to come say goodnight but now I just want to wash my eyes with bleach. "Goodnight Peter." She said as she was about to close the door.
"Wait!" She heard Morgan say. She opened the door back up and gave Morgan a hug. "Goodnight Morgan."
"Night M" MJ closed the door.
"Come on Uncle Clint!" I whisper yelled at him. "Sorry Pete. But I don't wanna see that nastiness." With that he left me and Morgan.
"Alright. Let's get you to bed Morgan" I picked her up and walked her to her bed. "Goodnight Petey" "Goodnight Morgan. I love you" "I love you" I closed her door only leaving a crack and headed to my own bed.

Peter Parker one shots. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें