My cousin is the tour guide part 2

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Part two is here!!!!

(Peter's POV)

I can't believe Lila is my tour guide. Ugh. Just my Parker luck.

"Again might I ask. What are you doing here?" She asked me

"I'm on a school field trip. You weren't supposed to get here till tomorrow." I said to her.
"We came early. Dad said that if we don't get here a day early he would ground us all so... here I am." She said to me. She looks like she's lying. I'll figure it out later I guess.
"Who's the chick Parker?" Flash asked me.
"My cousin." I said bitterly at him knowing what what coming next.
"Well m'lady. How about some coffee one day? I know a great spot just down the street from my mansion." Flash said smirking.
"Flash shut up. She's not going out with you. I may not get along with her but, I'm nice enough to say she's way to good for you" I said back to him.
"Ok anyways, we need to get this tour started so as I call your name come up, Get your badge, and walk through the scanner. Tony's AI F.R.I.D.A.Y will announce your name as well as your access level. There are three different access names and 5 levels in each name I think. Anyways, it goes from Beta to Omega, to Alpha. Beta is for the lower interns and staff, Omega is for the tour guides, High level interns and scientists. Alpha is for the avenger and the families of the avenger along with Tony, Pepper, and Bruce's personal interns. Any questions?" She said. I raised my hand to ask her why she's really here early but, as always, she ignores me.
"Ok great. I will be passing out badges now. MJ, Ned, and Peter. You have yours right?" She asked us. We nodded and pulled our badges out of our bags.
"Ok. Now when you get in you will put your luggage to the side and we will get it and bring it up later to the common room. We will be starting the tour with the history of Stark towers then go to the avengers memorial area thingy and then a q & a with the avengers. Got it?" She said. No one raised there hand.
"Great. Everyone go through."
Once it got to my turn I nervously scanned my card and heard Friday's voice.
"Peter Parker. Level Alpha 4. Welcome back Peter. Boss has been notified that you are here." Fridays voice echoed through the building.
"Thanks Friday" I said as I looked at a surprised Flash.
"Ned Leeds. Level Alpha level 4. Welcome back Ned. Would you like me to notify dr Banner that your here?" Friday said to Ned. Why didn't I get a choice? Then MJ went to scan hers.
"Michelle Jones. Alpha level 5. Welcome back MJ. Would you like to tell Pepper your here?" Friday asked MJ.
"She already knows Fri." MJ said back. She didn't get a response. Flash almost looked like he saw magic
"How do they have such high clearance levels??" Flash practically yelled at Lila.
"Did you not hear FRIDAY? She said would you like me to notify Bruce, Pepper or Boss. They are Tony, Bruce and Pepper's personal interns" she said. She then looked at me and I just shook my head. Thankfully she got what I was saying because she started the tour. We went through the tower as Lila talked about the tower as I corrected her, multiple times. Finally it came to the avengers museum and so far, no one embarrassed me or interrupted the tour. We got 30 minutes to look around before the meet and great so I was talking to Ned and MJ when Lila came over.
"Enjoying the tour Mr. Know it all?" Lila asked me when she came over.
"I would. If you just tell me why you're really here earlier then your supposed to be." I said to her
"Why do you have to know. That's private information."
"Private information? What the heck are you talking about? My dad is Tony Stark" I said lowering my voice.
"Ok and?" She said looking at me.
"Ugh. And I can know why your here early!" I said
"You know what Peter. I-" Lila was then interrupted by someone coming through the vents.
"Can you guys stop arguing for once in your life?!" Clint said loudly making sure my class heard.
"He started it!"
"She started it!" We screamed at the same time pointing to each other.
"You two are going to give me grey hairs!" He screamed again. Clearly annoyed.
"Sorry Uncle Clint" I said looking down.
"Sorry dad" Lila said looking down as well.
"Ok now both of you get along or we are going home!" He said pointing to Lila. He looked up and saw my class staring at him.
"Hey kids. What's up?" He asked as whispered to me.
"Who are they?"
"That's my class. We are here on a field trip. Please don't tell the others!" I said to him.
"Sorry Pete." He said as he looked back at my class.
"Does anyone have any questions?" He asked which seemed to bring Flash back to reality. He raised is hand and was picked by Clint.
"So you know Pen-Peter?" He asked
"Yes. He's like my nephew." He said while looking at me.
"The rest of the questions can wait till the q & a. Bye" He said as he hopped back in the vent.
"Ok. Let's get going. I have to show you where you are staying." She said as people started bombarding her with questions on why she called Hawkeye dad. Finally, she had enough.
"Everyone shut up!" She screamed.
"I called him dad because of something very simple. He is my dad. I'm in daughter. Ok? Everyone got that?" She asked. Nobody responded.
"Good. Now, we are going to look at your rooms and choose your bed. And the meet and greet will be tonight before you go to bed in the penthouse. The avengers will probably be either watching a movie or playing the wii. And before you ask. Yes, the avengers play the wii. They find it more fun." She said.
She took us to our rooms and we chose our beds. I chose the top bunk in the corner and MJ had the one on the bottom. Ned chose the top bunk right across from us and Liz chose the bottom one under Ned. Flash chose the one right next to me. This was going to be a long weekend.

So this is part 2! I know this is bad but I'm trying so... that's it. Hope you guys enjoyed. Bye

Peter Parker one shots. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz