Road work ahead. Uh yea i sure hope it does

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(Peter's POV)
I was walking down to my lab when Friday told me some of the interns needed help. I went down to help and saw that Isabelle was down there. That's probably why they needed help. Izzy, as I call her, is a little 2 year old girl that I rescued from Hydra a couple of weeks ago. Ever since I saved her she's been calling me dad and I've never stopped her. She's the most adorable thing and I wouldn't have it any other way. Now I know how Mr.Stark felt after I called him dad for the first time. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her as I spun her around. She screamed first but then giggled and I set her down. She turned and looked at me and her smile grew even bigger.
"Daddy!" She screamed as she hugged me.
"Hey sweetie. You having fun?" I asked her. She nodded.
"You wanna come and help me with something in my lab?" I asked her. She nodded her head smiling wide. I laughed and grabbed her and walked out with her. We went up to my lab and started working.
~the next day at school~
"Everyone listen up. Today we are going on a field trip!" Mrs. Rosie screamed as the class got really excited.
"I already sent an email to your parents asking if you can go and they all agreed so everyone outside and on the bus." She said. Soon everyone was on the bus and we were off. I fell asleep but was soon waking up from Ned screaming at me.
"PETER!" He screamed at me.
"What ned?" I asked.
"We're here." He said.
I looked outside and found that were at SI. Just my luck.
"Can I see Izzy again. I haven't seen her in a full week." Ned said to me.
"Come over after school and you can see her k?" I said back. He nodded.
We walked off the bus and went inside.
Our tour guide came over to us and started handing out our passes. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and I heard one of them say 'scarlet witch' but I didn't think anything of it until I saw who our tour guide was. Wanda. I mean. I would normally be excited to see my girlfriend but, not when's she's the tour guide on my school field trip.

(I initially wasn't going to have Peter in a relationship with anyone but then I thought this would be a good story to have him and Wanda together so yea. Enjoy lol)

"Oh hey Peter. You have your badge right?" She asked knowing well that I didn't have a badge because F.R.I.D.A.Y recognizes me without a badge.
"I kinda left it in the lab yesterday." I said nervously hoping she would get the hint and give me a badge.
"Yea. Tony told me to give it to you."  She said as she smiled at me.
She then explained the badge levels and the schedule we would be following
"Ok so everyone go through the scanner." Flash, as expected, pushed his way to the front. He scanned his badge and heard FRIDAY announce "Eugene Thompson. Clearance level beta 1." He looked around for a bit confused while Wanda started laughing and looked at me asking "this is the guy who bullies you? Seriously?" She said laughing still.
"Yea. Yea it is" I said back laughing as well.
"What's so funny Parker?" Flash asked me.
"The fact that you bully him yet you got scared by Tony Stark's AI. That's what's funny" Wanda said still laughing which made me smile at her. "I'll get you soon Parker.  Just wait" he said to me.
"Yea. What are you going to do in a building full of superhero's and your tour guide as a superhero as well?" I asked him.
"You wanna talk back to me huh Parker?" He said getting closer to me.
"Woah woah woah. You aren't going anywhere near him. Do you understand? SI does not tolerate bullying." Wanda said eyes turning red. I looked over to her and looked at her with pleading eyes trying to tell you not to use her powers. Finally her eyes turn back to normal and she walks away and scans her badge. She waits for everyone to scan their badge and then starts the tour. I spaced out a little into the tour and just watched Wanda as she talked about the history of Stark Industries. She seemed really proud of herself for knowing all of it and it was honestly really cute. We were in the middle of the tour when I heard little footsteps coming up. Shoot, Izzy's here. I saw her down the hallway and she spotted Wanda.
"Mommy!" She screamed before jumping on Wanda. She started calling Wanda mom shorty after calling me dad. Wanda picked her up and smiled.
"Hey sweetie. What are you up to huh?" She asked Izzy.
"I'm playing hide and seek with Grandpa." She said back. She also started calling Tony grandpa.
"Well. Go hide before he finds you." Wanda said as she let Izzy down but before she left she saw me and smiled and started running to me.
"Daddy!" She screamed as she jumped on me.
"Hey sweetie. What's up?" I asked embarrassed at all the people staring at me. Before I said anything else I saw her looking around and saw her smile get even bigger as she saw Ned and MJ.
"Aunt Michelle! Uncle Ned!" She screamed as she wiggles out of my grip. I put her down and she ran to give them hugs. After that she came back over to me. I knelt down beside her as Wanda came over to.
"Why don't you go finish your game of hide and seek with grandpa and me and mommy will see you later. Does that sound good?" I asked her. She nodded her head and gave me a big hug. Then she went over to Wanda and hugged her. After she gave us all goodbye hugs she ran to find a hiding place. I smiled a little then turned back to my class awkwardly.
"Mind explaining your little spawn there Parker. You and Wanda have a one night stand or something. Is that why you have a badge to get in here?" Flash asked more rudely then he should have.
"What the heck. No!" I screamed at him.
"For your information, I found her while I was raiding a hydra base with the other avengers and brought her back here. Peter and I are dating and since I rescued her she started calling me mom. Soon after I introduced her to Peter and we started hanging out together and she started calling him dad. We did nothing like that!" Wanda screamed. She was getting to worked up her powers were about to just burst and she would loose control like when Pietro was killed.
"Hey Wanda calm down. It's ok. Sweetheart I'm right here. You're ok. Relax. Breathe. In *inhales* and out *exhales*." I kept repeating that until she calm down enough. She looked over at my class eyes filled with sorrow.
"I'm sorry guys. I lose control of my powers a little when I get angry. Um. Peter can lead you throughout the rest of the tour. I'm going to go calm down a bit." She says as she runs off.
"Did you really have to do that?" I said as I looked at Flash.
"She had it coming Parker. I mean. Superheroes don't have one night stands. And they definitely don't have children. Especially with losers like you." Flash said to me. Which only made me more angry with him.
"Can I not be happy for once in my life? Huh? Because you make it seem like I don't deserve to be happy. My parents were killed when I was just a kid. Then my uncle Ben died because of me and just years later so does my aunt. Wanda has made me happier then I ever thought I could be and so does Izzy. They are the only two people in this world who make me feel happy even when I'm as angry as the hulk or as upset as you can possibly be. Those two girls are the only people who can even make me come close to smiling on a bad day. And I don't care if you pick on my. I don't care if you hurt me. But you so much as think of hurting either one of them you can kiss anything you want goodbye because they are my world and I would do anything to make sure they have the best life imaginable." I said to Flash.
"Now if your excuse me. I'm going to find my girlfriend and make sure she's ok. You can show yourselves out. And don't even think abut trying to walk anywhere else or Friday will alert me. Ned and MJ you can stay if you want and hang out with Izzy. Bye!" I said as I ran out of the room the way Wanda did. I turned the corner and saw Wanda sitting there with tear stains but she was smiling. She stood up and kissed me. We pulled away and I looked at her with so much love and she looked back at me with the same amount of love.
"I love you so so much" I said to her. She smiled at me and kissed me again.
"I love you to." She said. This time I kissed her and we walked back to find Izzy. This day wasn't so bad after all.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting much. I will try to update more. I hope you liked this chapter. Till next time. 👋

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