Flash breaks in

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I actually named this one cause it's kinda an easy one to name so yea! Enjoy the story

(Peters POV)
"God I messed up." I said as I plopped on the couch next to Wanda. "What did you do this time?" Wanda asked me as I payed on her lap. She started playing with my hair as I started ranting.
"I was working with Tony in is lab and lost track of time. I was supposed to meet Shuri for a movie 3 hours ago and completely forgot and after one hour I remembered. I text her and said I was sorry I even tried calling T'Challa. No one will answer and Shuri is mad at me and I don't know what to do."  I said in one breath. As I let out the breath I was holding I see Wanda thinking. Then I hear her voice in my head. "Someone's here" She said to me.

(Flash's POV)

"Shuri is mad at me and I'm not sure wheat to do" I hear Parker say. He can't seriously know the princess of Wakanda. I mean. He's just regular old Penis Parker. He can't seriously be friends with princess Shuri. I peeked the corner to see who he was talking to and I can't believe what I see. He's laying his head on Scarlet witch's lap. THE SCARLET WITCH! And she was playing with his hair. And listening to him. I bet he bribed her or something. I quickly pulled my head back behind the wall as she looked up. I doubt she saw me. "What is that?" I thought. I felt this tingly sensation through my body as I started to levitate in the air. Then I moved from behind the wall to the room with Parker and Scarlet Witch.
"Umm. Hi guys." I said as scarlet witch drops me on the ground.
"Who are you, what are you doing here and how did you get passed security?" The witch asked me
"Flash?" Parker said before I could finish talking.
"What's up Parker?"
"What are you doing here?" He asked me
"I could ask you the same thing Parker. I started to believe you had an internship here. But then Tony Stark himself tells you to stay at the tower. No, I don't think you are just an intern. I think you did something to bribe everyone here into letting you in here. I mean, no intern is close enough to the avengers to be ranting to them about the princess of Wakanda to Scarlet Witch!" I screamed at him. I mean. All of it was true.
"So what are you doing here?" Parker asked
"Well. After the field trip I still had doubts so I stayed behind and followed you. When I see you and Tony Stark in his personal lab working together and you called him dad! I mean what the heck is going on? And as for Friday. When I stole your phone I texted Ned to hack into Friday so that she didn't recognize me and he believed it was you and did it." I said with a smirk on my face. Parker looked like he was about to punch me when we heard a scream.
"Peter!! You're ok. Oh thank god."
Shuri said as she ran up and hugged Peter. I can't believe that the princess of Wakanda is here. And she actually hangs out with Parker. There's a lot of confusion right now.

(Peter's POV)

I heard someone scream my name and knew exactly who it was. Shuri. I got nervous for a second before she came up and hugged me like I was about to die.
"Oh I'm so glad you're ok." She said as her face was buried in my neck.
"Yea I'm fine. Why? What's going on?" I asked as I still didn't let go until she did. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Hey. Why are you crying? What's wrong?" I asked her as I put my hands up to the cheeks and wiped away the tear. I looked her straight in the eyes waiting for an answer.
"He said. He said he was going to kill you if I didn't do everything he said. And I did and peter I'm so sorry" she said as she hugged me. I hugged her back even tighter
"It's ok Shuri. I'm ok. Whoever he is. I'm going to find him. And I'm gonna Kill him. Nobody hurts my baby girl like that." I said as I pulled away from the hug and kissed her forehead.
"What the frick penis. What is going on?" Flash screamed. Bad idea.
"What did you just call my boyfriend?" Shuri said in such a deadly voice it scared me.
"Hey sweetie. It's fine. It's just a little inside joke. It's fine." Flash is going to get himself killed if he keeps this up.
"Boyfriend? How do you like him more then me?" Flash asked. I actually have wondered that lately. Why me? She can pick from anyone and she chose me. Why? Guess I'm about to find out.
"Because he's smart. And brave. And makes me laugh like no one else. And he's there for me when I need him and he makes me feel better. He makes me breakfast every morning when I'm here and we are there for each other through thick and thin. I'm with Peter because I love him and there is no one else that I would rather be with!" She screamed at him before she turned to look at me.
"Prove it." Flash said from behind Shuri.
"What" I said
"Prove it. I still don't believe it." Before I could even say anything, Shuri turns around and kisses me.

(Flash's POV)
"Prove it. I still don't believe it!" I said. There's no way they are actually dating when she could have me instead of Parker. But then, she kissed him. She actually kissed him. When she pulled away she looked directly into my eyes and said "if you ever bully my boyfriend again your gonna have it coming. For your sake I'm not going to tell the rest. But if I so much as think you are bullying him I will tell the rest and we will end your life!" She yelled at me. She's really terrifying.
"Ok ok. I'll leave him alone."
"Good. And Peter. Why didn't you tell me?" She asked

(Peter's POV)
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked me.
"I just didn't want you to over react over something that wasn't a big deal." I explained to her
"How long?" She asked
"Since freshman year" I said looking at her
"Do you really not trust me that much?" She asked me. I can't believe she would ask that.
"Of course I trust you. I just knew that. If he stopped picking on me he would just go to a different kid. I can take the bullying. What if the next kid he picks on couldn't. What happens then?" I asked her
"Peter. You care to much about other people. It's one of the reasons I love you so much. But, you don't have to protect everyone. You can't."
"But I can do everything in my power to protect as many people as I can." I said looking at her.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you to."
I kissed her and we went to watch a movie since we both forgot about the first movie date.
We decided to watch Star Wars. Again. Soon after Wanda and Vision joined us. Then Mom and Dad. Then Nat and Bruce. Then everyone else. And we sat quietly as we watched the movie.


Hey guys. So here's the second chapter. I wanted to switch it up a little and have Peter and Shuri together instead of MJ and Peter because I think Peter and Shuri actually would be a good couple. But I still think Peter and MJ are better lol. Anyway. Hope you enjoyed. I'm posting early cause I'm sick and don't have anything better to do so... yea. Bye

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