I Thought You Were American

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Please note that this takes place right after Civil War and Alena is Cap's daughter. Anyways, happy ready! :) 

Alena's POV

5:27 am.

That's what my clock reads as I check my phone yet again, hoping for a call or text from Dad. Nothing.

I got up from my bed and rub my still sore wrist from when I helped fight of the superhero that calls himself Spiderman. I didn't see his face, but he sounded young. Maybe around my age? A little older?

I don't know, I shouldn't be thinking about that. I shouldn't even be thinking about any of my father's enemies. That's hard though, considering me staying at the Avengers Facility because apparently, I'm too young to go to 'actual prison'.

I walked over to the door, and right before my hand touched the door handle, I heard FRIDAY's voice coming through the loudspeakers in my room.

"Miss Rogers, I strongly dis-advise you leaving your room alone." I rolled my eyes at that.

"Come on, FRIDAY, you know me, it's not like I'm going to try and escape." Although, that is a great idea. I kept the last thought to myself as I turned the door handle and walked out of the room.

The hallways were pitch black and I had to try my hardest not to run into anything. Finally, I got to the kitchen. I sighed in relief and went over to the cabinet were I used to hide my tea bags. Before I opened it, I checked the time on my phone again.

5:37 am.

I turned my phone face down on the counter and got a tea kettle, mug, and tea bag out of the cabinets. I turned the oven on and went to the sink with the kettle. While filling it up I heard my phone buzz. I froze. Is it dad?

I turned off the water and set the kettle on the hot stove, then rushed over to my phone. Message from Dad.

I quickly put my finger print in and went to messages.

Alena, you know I love you, and I will do anything to keep you safe. I'm coming back, and I'm bringing everyone else too. I'm bringing Clint, Wanda, Sam, Scott, and Buck. There's not going to be anymore fighting. I'm going to make it up to Tony, and hopefully he'll understand. I love you.

I had tears in my eyes by the time I finished reading it. I can't believe Dad's finally coming back. After a month of waiting, I'll finally get to see him again. I set my phone down and walked over to the stove. Just before I could turn it off, I sensed someone walk into the room. I whisked my body in the direction of the intruder, raising my hand and choking them with nothing but force.

"Hey, hey, hey! Chill out Darth Vader!" My eyes widened when I realized who it was. The voice sounded so familiar, and there was no doubt in my mind that this person is Spiderman. I slowly lowered my hand and the boy dropped to the ground.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I asked, genuine concern laced in my tone. I speed walked over to him and knelt down, checking to make sure he didn't break anything. You know, without his mask on, he looks kinda cute.

I guess I was staring too long, because he started waving his hand in my face. "Hello?" I shook my head and gathered my composure, blushing a little when I realized how close we were, almost inches apart.

"Sorry. Here, let me help you up. Are you okay?" He chuckled.

"Well, considering the fact that you almost choked me to death using the force, no," he said, clearly joking. I giggled and held my hand out.

"My name's Alena. Last time we met, you were too busy breaking my wrist to introduce yourself." He blushed, looking panicked for a second.

"Holy shit! I broke your wrist! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" I smiled and shook my head.

"You're all good. It's healed now, except it still stings when I lift heavy objects." He sighed. The perks of being a HYDRA experiment, you heal quickly.

"Anyway, my name's Peter." I smiled. Peter...what a cute name.

There was a moment of silence, neither of us knowing what to say, then Peter broke the silence.

"Sooo, would you like to go get some coffee or catch a movie sometime?" He was blushing like crazy and I smiled to myself.

"Peter, are you asking me on a date? We just met." He blushed even harder.

"I mean, as a friend. Like you said, we just met." He smiled a little, face still as red as a beet.

"Sure, I'll go with you to catch a movie." With that, I walked away, forgetting all about my tea, even forgetting my phone.

"FRIDAY, what time is it?" I asked as I sat up from my bed. I fell asleep when I got back from the kitchen, finally being able to knowing that Dad was safe, and meeting a new friend.

"It is 10:43 am, Miss Rogers." I thanked the AI and went into the bathroom, stripping my clothes off and turning on the hot water. After washing my hair and body clean of any dirtiness that was on it beforehand, I got out and dried my hair and body with the soft, plush towel. After putting on the fresh clothes I had left out, I shut the bathroom lights off and shut the bathroom door.

I noticed something out of the corner of my eye on the bed and went over to look at what it was. It was my phone, a fresh batch of tea, and note that made me smile and blush at the same time.

Meet me on the roof, 8:00 pm


Hey guys. This one shot was written by gangbois  who is an amazing writer by the way. Hope you guys like it.

If you guys can start commenting more that'd be great! I don't care if it's negative or positive I want you guys to tell me what you think of the stories. Tell me anything I can fix to make it better and leave request if you want. I will try my best to fix anything and to write any request commented. I hope you guys enjoyed this.


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