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(Peter's POV)
"Ok. We should be a go" Bruce said turning the machine on. Awhile ago we found out about the multiverse and we created this machine to try and get to another earth. Hopefully it works. Dad's got his nanotech suit and he made me one as well. But instead of mine being in an arc reactor, mine is a bracelet. Bruce is here and we have Nat coming along just in case anything goes wrong.  The machine started powering up and soon we were pulled through the portal.

We landed in this weird looking lab area. I see S.T.A.R. Labs placed in everything. Wait, S.T.A.R Labs. Isn't that the name of the lab the flash used as his 'base'. I started thinking about every detail in the comics when people came in.
"Woah. Who are you and what are you doing here?" The tall guy asked.
"And how did you find this place?" The shorter girl with light brown hair asked.
"My name is Tony Stark. This is Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff. And this is Peter Parker." Dad said
"Wait hang on. Tony Stark? As in Iron Man?"  The tall guy asked.
"And Bruce Banner, the Hulk." Bruce nodded. The y'all guy pointed to Nat.
"Black Widow." She nodded.
"And Spider-Man. Wait. I'm not supposed to know that." He said pointing to me.
"Wait. How do you know that?" I asked him.
"I don't think you'd understand. I'm Barry Allen and this is-"
"Caitlin Snow." I said finishing him off.
"How'd you know?" Barry asked.
"You guys know about the multiverse. It's in the comics."  I said to them.
"Wait you guys are from another earth aren't you?" Barry asked.
"Yea. And over on our earth. You aren't real. You're just a character in a comic book."
"That's the same thing over here. There is no Tony Stark or any of you guys here. You're all comic book characters." Barry said sounding excited.
"There's actually a TV show for you. And Oliver Queen. And Kara. And there are movies for Batman and Superman." I said also excited.
"Woah really? There are actually movies based off you guys here. Then TV shows for Daredevil, Jessica Jones and the Punisher. You guys look like exactly like the actors from the movies. They must be your doppelgängers." Barry said excited.
"Woah. What are they like?" I asked.
"Well. You're doppelgängers name is Tom Holland and he's British." Barry said.
"Woah! My doppelgänger is British? That's cool." I said.
"What about ours?" Dad asked.
"Yours is an actor named Robert Downey Jr. and he is now one of the most well known actors here. Yours" he said pointing to Nat.
"Is a women named Scarlett Johansson. She's a great actress and she really did a good job with your character. You would be pleased. And yours" he said pointing to Bruce.
"Is an actor named Mark Ruffalo. At first there was someone else you acted as you but they replaced him with Mark and he's so much better then the other guy." Barry said.
"What about us?" Caitlin asked.
"You are portrayed by an actress named Danielle Panabaker. You would be proud of how she did with your character. And you" I said pointing to Barry.
"Are portrayed by Grant Gustin. He makes you seem like such a nerdy person" I said laughing.
"Tom makes you seem awkward." He said in retaliation.
"I know I'm awkward so ha." I said. Everyone started laughing. Even Nat gave a small smile.
"Ok. I hate to do this but, we have no idea how to get home." Bruce said.
"What happened to the machine?" Nat asked.
"It broke when we came through the portal." Bruce said.
"We can help you." Caitlin said
"Yea. We have a device that you can use to get home. We just have to program it to the right earth." Barry said.
"Great" dad said. Suddenly, an alarm went off and I started having a sensory overload. I threw my hands to my ears and fell. I could hear Barry telling Caitlin to turn off the alarm and telling the rest he had to go save the world or something. I heard dad trying to calm me down but, I could also hear footsteps coming down the hall and an elevator ding. I could smell all the chemicals in the room.

After about 5 minutes I had calmed down. I got up and thanked dad for helping me.
"Uh guys. I'm gonna need some help with this one." We heard Barry say over the comms
"I'll call Cisco to breach there." Caitlin said. She did as she said and called Cisco. We could then hear him on the comms.
"Um Cait. We might need You and Ralph. Maybe Oliver to. This ones big." We heard Cisco say.
"I can't leave right now. I'll explain later but, I'll send some backup. Don't question until after the fight understand" Caitlin scolded.
"Yea yea just send them!" He screamed into the comms.
"Do you guys mind helping?" She asked us.
"No not at all. Pete. You stay here with Caitlin keep her company." Dad said.
"But dad I could help."
"No. If the adults can't handle it neither can you. Stay. Please." He looked at me desperately and I couldn't say no because he looked terrified.
"Fine. I'll stay"
"Alright good. Let's go help them beat this." Dad said as he and Nat left with Bruce. He went just Incase they needed a code green.
I was helping Caitlin with everything. The fight was taking awhile. And I'm scared that someone isn't going to make it.

I'm ending it here because I'm to lazy to write more but. Comment if you want a part 2. If I get 10 comments requesting a part 2 I'll do one. Bye for now.

Peter Parker one shots. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن