I could've dropped my croissant

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating much. Schools been a pain but I'm going to try to update a lot more now.

Peter was adopted by Tony and Pepper, who got married a few months before, at 5 months old. The avengers don't know about Peter. Takes place after homecoming. Infinity war and endgame never happened but pepper is pregnant with Morgan.

(Tony's POV)
Great now I'm late. I finally got Peter into his room to do his homework. I'm meeting with the rogue avengers talking about them moving back in and I can't have Peter at that meeting. He will tear Steve to shreds. I walk into the conference room and all the avengers are there.
"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late I had something more important to attend to." I said looking at Nat. She looked down in shame. Peter is the only person Nat will go soft on. He forgives her to and so do I but, she doesn't forgive herself.
"Now. I only have a few rules here. Number 1, no one except Nat can go on floor 98, Number 2, don't go on floor 97 that's my personal lab, number 3, don't break the other rules. Now-"
"Dad, what's going on?" I heard from behind me. Not even 5 minutes into the meeting and he walks in.
"Hey buddy. I thought you were doing your homework."
"I was but I got stuck on an equation and I need your help. Why are they here?" He asked.
"Did he just call you dad, Stark?" Cap asked.
"Yea. Pete these are the rogues. Rogues meet my son Peter." I said looking at them. Nat was almost tearing up.
"What did his mother not want him anymore so she dumped him on you?" Cap asked. Now that crosses a line. But I'll let Nat and Pep deal with it.
"Excuse me?" Nat asked.
"What?" Cap said acting innocent.
"What did you just say?" Her teary eyes were gone and filled with rage.
"Why are you so upset about this. You know it's probably true." Sam said backing up Steve.
"No. I know it's definitely not true. I though you stood for freedom. For doing what's right. What your saying right now, insulting a kid? What happened to you Rogers?" She questioned. She walked over to peter and cupped his face.
"Are you Alright Pete?" She asked.
"I'm fine. Thanks auntie Nat." He said as he hugged her. She hugged him back tighter.
"What the hel-"
"Language!" Peter interrupted. The avengers, Nat and I started laughing while the rogues were getting madder.
"Did Tony teach this kid anything?" Steve said.
"I'm so sorry dad. I violated your number 1 rule. Respect the old people."
"Kinda hurtful Pete." Bucky said as he walked in.
"Shut up Bucky." Pete said smiling. Bucky walked over and ruffled his hair.
"Whats going on. Why does everyone look so angry or confused?" Bucky questioned.
"Your best friend here just insulted my kid Buck."
"I'm sorry what? Steve, what the heck is wrong with you. Insulting a kid." Bucky asked looking at Steve.
"You're not going to talk about the fact that Tony just called you Buck? And I never meant to insult the kid. Just wanted to let him know that he's just a charity case to Tony. That's all." Steve said.
"Wow Steve. That's a new low." Bucky said.
"Hey guys. How's everything going?" Pepper said as she walked in with MJ.
"Steve just said Peters just a charity case for Tony." Nat said.
"What?" Both Pepper and MJ say at the same time.
"Who's this Stark? Another charity case?" Sam asked pointing at MJ. Now Peter was mad.
"Ok. Insult me all you want but next time a mean word comes out of your mouth about MJ or my dad your dead." Peter threaten.
"Pete." Tony starts but Pepper cuts him off.
"No no. Let him" Pepper said
"You really just let a kid threaten me?"
"Yes because he's more mature, and smarter and selfless then great ol' Captain America here" MJ said.
"Listen here. You don't get to insult me." Steve said getting mad.
"I think we can insult you all we want." peter said back.
"These two have no business being here"
"We have the same right to be here as anyone in this room." MJ said
"Give me a reason why."
"I'm an avenger. And if my dad gets his love in here so do I." Peter said going towards MJ and wrapping a protective arm around her waist.
"What do you mean and avenger?"
"I'm spiderman." Peter said and Steve's eyes went wide.
"You really are a bad father. To let your kid fight against us. We weren't holding back!" Steve yelled.
"Then you really are a bad superhero for letting a kid take your shield."
Peter said back. I laugh and so did Nat and Bucky.
"Steve. This kid can take care of himself alright. He stopped my arm for goodness sake. Then made me a new one that faster stronger and more comfortable. And he can still beat me in sparing. This kid has winter liking him. He's something special."
"Winter likes him? Winter doesn't like anyone."
"That's what I thought. But he likes this kid here. And his girlfriend. So. In less you want winter to come out and attack you. Stop insulting them. Otherwise, I won't try to keep him out." Buck said coldly.
"Yea. Way to go Buck!" I started cheering jokingly.
"Stark I'll let him out on you to. Shut up." He said laughing.
"Listen. We are giving you a privilege to stay at stark tower. You don't have to if you don't want to but if you do. I now have one more rule. Don't insult my kid. Don't insult his girlfriend and don't insult Pepper. Do you understand that? Cause if not. Feel free to leave and never come back." Nobody moved.
"Great. So your on floor 78. Clint and his family should be coming soon. Pete. You don't mind if they're a floor above you right?"
"Oh come on dad. Clint's going to be pranking me constantly if he's on the floor above me!"
"Really. Clint likes this kid to?" Steve asked.
"So does Wanda." Wanda said as she floated over to me. She hugged me. She hasn't been at the meeting but I know where she was.
"Yea. I'm so sorry about the Cap thing. I thought I was doing the right thing." She said.
"Really Wanda. What's so special about this kid that you are apologizing for being on the winning side." Sam asked.
"Well. For starters he's like my brother and you almost killed his father. I know what it's like to not have a dad I wasn't going to be part of the reason why peter knows as well. I apologized because I don't think I can live knowing I lost another brother!" Her hands were getting red.
"Wanda calm down. Hey. Calm down. It's ok. They aren't going to hurt us. I'm here for you I always will be" Peter said to her. She hugged him tightly and wouldn't let go.
"I'm so sorry" she kept saying over and over again.
"I know. I know. It's ok. We are all ok. Nothing happened" peter said. She let go of him.
"Wanda you'll be staying on floor 98 with Peter and MJ."
"Ok. Thank you Stark. I never did say this to you but, I'm sorry for everything. Ultron, Cap. Everything."
"Wanda it's ok. We all forgive you. Peter why don't you and MJ show her to her room."
"Ok. See you guys later." Peter said as he walked out with MJ and Wanda.
I turned to Rogers.
"If you so much as think of hurting my kid I swear it won't be like last time. I didn't want to hurt you. If you hurt my kid I won't hold back." I said as I walked out of the conference room. I could hear Pepper yelling at him. No need to say he won't ever mess with Peter again.

I'm on a very long car ride so I'm going to update some. Hope you enjoyed. Sorry Steve's a B@72)
in this chapter. Bye

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